I have in my possession a brand new 8GiB Apple iPod touch and a Piano Black PSP-2006 and I want to sell them, so once again I am (ab)using this blog as my personal classified ads.

PSP and iPod touch

The 8GiB iPod touch is brand new and completely shrink wrapped. This is not my current iPod touch but a completely new set. My friend has one from the same batch and it came with firmware version 1.1.1, so it is highly likely that this one does too, but I can’t say for sure since it’s sealed. I am asking for S$420. I can jailbreak it, upgrade the firmware and apply a patch to unlock the 1.1.3 applications if required.

The PSP Slim is also brand new and a local set. It has not been touched at all and I only booted it up once to check the firmware, which is version 3.72. I do not have a Pandora battery so I cannot install any custom firmware for you. But since it is untouched, this means that it is probably still covered by Sony’s local warranty. I am asking for S$250.

Please e-mail me if you are interested. (Sorry, Singaporeans only.)

EDIT: Both items have been sold.