This entry is behind schedule due to various real-life circumstances and is in no way related to the recently-released ToHeart2 AnotherDays game.

Gundam 00

This episode has dead corpses, people getting blown up and other awesome bits of content that are not suitable for children below the age of retirement. For maximum enjoyment, please disconnect cerebral cortex and temporarily suspend high-level cognitive functions. Also, put your phone on silent mode, you inconsiderate sob!


This is mainly an action episode. HRL launches an attack against Trinity’s mountain lair in northwestern Africa, while AEU and Union cooperate to take down Ptolemaios.

Gundam 00
No one left to pay the bills

Saji finds out that his sister was investigating on Aeolia Schenberg and goes into emo mode. Like an internet child predator patiently grooming his potential victim, Sunrise is setting Saji up to become the ultimate emo protagonist of pure hatred. Next episode: Saji finds out that Celestial Being agents infiltrated his school and gave him a failing grade for his history module.

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“Look at this lone conveniently-located flower in the middle of this rocky wasteland.”

Setsuna is having (wet) dreams of Marina, which is weird considering they have only met like four times, but I guess that’s teenage infatuation for you. (Especially since Marina has the older sister thing going.) This is timely reminder to the audience that Marina still exists. I wonder how Azadistan is doing now…

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Cutthroat business

Alejandro leaves no loose ends. Ragnar Harvey is dead and the Trinity siblings are betrayed.

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“Madam, something’s wrong! The monochrome display is showing red!”

During the battle with the Jinxes, the Gundams get deactivated by a hacked Veda. Fortunately, Sumeragi predicted this and had Feldt and Christina prepare a “stand-alone operating system” (lol) that bypasses Veda.

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“Life without love is meaningless…”

Unfortunately, it seems to work for everyone except Virtue. Tieria emos after he realizes that he’s just been dumped by Veda, his one true love.

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Dynames gets forcefully penetrated

Surprisingly, Mr. Patrick Coleslawguy gets to do more than get owned in this episode. He manages to shoot through Virtue’s GN field, destroy Dynames’ rifle, and then cut through Dynames’ frontal armour while Lockon is trying to shield the deactivated Tieria from certain death. The reason for his sudden jump in performance? Apparently, Colonel Manekin promised him a kiss. (Or maybe that’s just his own delusion too.)

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GN arms — Where are the arms?

The guy whose name I can’t ever remember appears at the critical moment with GN arms to save the day. AEU and Union Jinxes retreat.

Interestingly, during the two missions, exactly three Jinxes get destroyed. (At least by my count.) I’m guessing it’s one from each power bloc. I say it’s interesting because what happens if the three superpowers do manage to destroy Celestial Being, but do so at the cost of a few more Jinxes? Wouldn’t the one with the most left “win”? And shouldn’t they then be more concerned about preserving those Jinxes for the inevitable world war that is going to come next? Oh forget it, I’m sure Alejandro will deactivate them as soon as Celestial Being is gone anyway.


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Just for the record: Yeah she’s totally dead, not counting possible zombies/clones

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Those crazy Europeans and their customary greetings

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Feldt uses blush! It’s super effective!

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“O Soran, Soran, wherefore art thou Soran?”

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Sumeragi reveals her true evil plan to silence the whole Ptolemy crew with beer

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“Saji, I’m sorry. I can’t issue her last paycheck because she died one day too early.”

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Isn’t this from that new Appleseed movie?

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Red trumps green

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Sitting duck

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Gundam 00
Lockon getting microwaved

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“I was so blinded by my love for Veda that I didn’t realize Lockon’s feelings for me.”

Gundam 00
Five seconds of fame

Greek gods didn’t die from a lack of believers. They died due to natural selection favouring genetic diversity over systematic incest.