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Episode 8 has so much dorama and lulz, it’s like anime blogging. Maybe someday there will be a Genshiken-style anime about blogging and the blogosphere will finally have its very own Madarame. Or is that Cory Doctorow? In any case, I digress.


As Admiral Akbar famously said in an alternate reality version of Star Wars, “It’s a goddamn trap wtf don’t go there dude!” Wise words indeed.

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I’d be disturbed too if my female clone hit on me

With the help of Wang Liumei, who may I remind you again is totally evil now, Regene successfully lures Tieria into a cunning labyrinth of androgynous lust and deceit, aka a dinner party. Setsuna, always on the lookout for his seme half, volunteers to chauffeur Tieria to his doom.

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You can almost see the knives they plan to stick into each other

By sheer coincidence, Billy and Louise also happen to be present at this posh circle-jerk of Federation fat cats, creating the perfect setup for melodrama when they inevitably meet Setsuna.

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You can tell that she’s tsundere

But of course the greatest trap of all is Tieria herself. Himself. Due to his effeminate character design, it is no surprise that Tieria looks great in a formal dress, possibly better than most of the real female characters in the show. Coupled with a voice-changing device, the final package is a masterfully crafted gateway into /y/ on 4chan. Doujinshi coming your way soon.

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She just keeps getting better XD

Louise gets to pilot Soma’s custom Ahead. I wonder how Sergei managed to explain the fact that the Ahead was found intact but Soma’s dead body was nowhere to be found.

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Male or female?

Innovators are popping up left and right like rabbits caught in a magician’s hat while in heat. I suppose most of them will eventually die pointless deaths, and since they all look and sound alike, I shall make no attempt to learn their silly Engrish names.

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Perhaps he will turn out to be the ultimate saviour

And Patrick Coleslaw is alive! Team Rocket is back in business.


Louise is so cool. I hope she goes berserk soon. Berserk blonde female pilots are awesome. Also she looks so much better with short hair. Okay, that’s my fanboying for the day.

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“What you say!?”

And I think Patrick is too incompetent and too much of a comedic relief to be allowed to remain in A-LOLS for long. Maybe he and Kati Mannequin will leave A-LOLS together and join Sergei in the anti-LOLS Federation faction that’s probably coming our way.

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Setsuna the Pimp will be the demographic to look out for in the next election

I think Louise and Setsuna would make a great match. Saji is too wimpy for the new Louise and Marina is too boring for emokid Setsuna. It would be such an awesome plot twist. Sunrise should buy my script.


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Tieria needs to get new glasses or something

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From independent mecha pilot to docile housewife

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It’s a female Mr. Mime

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He got your nose. For real

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Looks like the new expansion pack is out. Gotta get the new armour set

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The easiest character to animate

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I haven’t met a rich/famous person who actually walks with eyes closed

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Oh noz. What is Ribbons planning to do to Louise? >_<

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Louise is in so much danger…

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A new-age Cinderella story

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Tieria realizes that he is not the only trap around

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Now all the young and impressionable Gundams who watched this will go on a diet

Life is like a box of chocolate. Eventually, it expires.

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