This song is Sayonara wo Kikasete by Nanase Aikawa, a veteran female J-rock singer. It’s the B-side of one of her earlier singles from the late 90s and it is one of my favourite songs from her. This is not the song I am looking for.

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However, I know for a fact that there is an 80s song with English lyrics and a male vocal out there somewhere that has the exact same tune as this song for its chorus. The rest of the song sounds rather different but the chorus is an almost perfect copy. I used to know the song’s title but not any more. (Getting old…)

I’m not sure if Nanase lifted the (rather catchy) tune subconsciously via osmosis or whether Sayonara was meant to be a tribute, and I can’t find any information about this online, whether in English or Japanese. So, please leave a comment if you know the title of this elusive song. It’s driving me crazy.

Incidentally, I just found out today that Angela Aki‘s Kiss From A Rose — another song I love — is actually a cover: the original Kiss From A Rose is by Seal. My whole life is a lie.

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