Alright, it’s confirmed. I’ll be in Japan from the 6th to 16th with Pear. Going to collect the plane tickets from the travel agency later. Wai~~

I barely managed to gather just enough money (I hope). Probably going to have to control my spending there… lol. Anyway if anyone happens to be in the area and wants to meet up or anything, drop me an e-mail at nadesico [at] gmail [dot] com.

I’ll be staying at a cheapskate hotel in Ikebukuro. I think we should be spending at least 5 days in Tokyo. Not sure about the rest of the days… (fear our lack of planning). Maybe Osaka or Kyoto if possible. No idea how to get there or what to do after getting there, though. まぁ、なんとかなるだろう…たぶん。

If anyone needs me to get anything while I’m there, please note:

  1. You must be in Singapore.
  2. Contact me through the e-mail address above (or SMS if you have my number) by Saturday.
  3. Pass me the money by Monday (or deposit it into my bank account).

On another note, my copy of D.C. II is finally here! I missed the delivery on Monday. :( Well, I’m almost done with the game by now… Just Otome left to go.

Update: My flight has been postponed to the morning of the 9th (Friday), so you still have some time left to pass me the money… Sigh… I should be in Ikebukuro by now, but nooooo… Thanks to a certain somebody.