At least for the 1000 people surveyed in Japan by Nikkei… They were polled on what they are going to get for Christmas. Out of those who want a new console:

What new console system are you planning to buy?

* 1. PSP – 33%
* 2. Nintendo DS – 22.5%
* 3. PlayStation 2 – 20.2%
* 4. GameBoy Micro – 11.6%
* 5. Xbox 360 – 10.1%

How many games are you planning to buy:

* None – 60%
* 1 to 2 – 32.2%
* 3 to 4 – 5.6%
* 5 to 6 – 1.5%
* 7 to 9 – 0.3%
* Over 10 – 0.4%

Considering NDS has been thrashing PSP in Japan since forever, could this sudden boast for PSP be due to the Location Free TV function of the 2.50 firmware? Or is it because of the upcoming Boku to Watashi no Katamari Damacy game?

And not to mention that Xbox 360 actually managed to reach a double-digit percentage! Could it be that Microsoft’s promotional gimmicks in Japan are actually working? I find this hard to believe, considering how even the redesigned PSOne outsold Xbox in Japan. *eyes the Gameboy Micro above*

Perhaps Nikkei’s sample size was just way too small…

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