Mai-Otome Ending Sucked

I forgot to blog about this. Please DO NOT CONTINUE reading if you have yet to watch the final two episodes.

Anyway, nothing much to say except that they still haven’t learnt from the horror that was My-HiME ending. Because the ending sucked so much, I will talk about Erstin instead. Erstin was my favourite character. She pwned my heart and my soul. Until Sunrise killed her without a flinch. But it’s okay. There was still hope. I never stopped hoping. There might be a HiME-like reset I told myself. I forced myself to believe in Sunrise even though they failed me the last time. (Stellar… *cries*)

Once again, they betrayed my trust.

Quick recap…

  • Aoi survived falling from a cliff. (perhaps some pillow merchants were taking a break at the bottom of the cliff?)
  • Sergay survived a shot to his fricking head. (titanium skull?)
  • Tomoe fell a few hundred feet and lived but I can accept that she might have survived due to her nano-machines. (who am I kidding?)
  • Nina and Arika can replace NASA’s space shuttle fleet. That’s going a bit too far, no?

So… Why the $#@$@# did Erstin have to die? Obviously she could have survived using whatever mojo powers everyone else is using! What the hell is wrong with those asshats at Sunrise!? *Adds Sunrise to list of companies he has to burn when he goes to Japan in June*


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2 Responses to Mai-Otome Ending Sucked

  1. moyism says:

    DarkMirage, there is but one simple answer:

    Sunrise is following their Singers Who Voices Characters Must Die Rule. Gundam SEED and Gundam SEED Destiny should have made it pretty apparent any OP/ED singers’ characters would die untimely deaths. Unfortunately Erstin is just another number in death’s ever growing count.

    Yes, it’s &(#$*()#*($!@! unfair that Erstin had to die! W. T. F.

  2. nanikore says:

    Yes, that space re-entry really took the cake. MO was good at the beginning, okay in the middle, and crap at the end… A steady decline throughout, at least they got consistency down…

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