Gundam 00 — Episode 9

This episode is a pretty good one because we are finally seeing some semblance of actual combat tactics being employed. Also, it has some character development for Felt, which is good. (But maybe not. Refer to the last line of this entry.)

Gundam 00
It’s a Haro harem!

Louise and Saji do make an appearance in this episode, but thankful it is a short one. Dear Sunrise, please hurry up and kill them already! :(


We jump to about four months since Celestial Being began their armed interventions. They have since conducted over sixty attacks. Although the AEU and Union pledged to defend themselves against Celestial Being’s intervention, there has been no large-scale battles since Moralia. Mostly because Gundams pwn everyone too quickly.

The only power bloc that has declared its intention to actively crackdown on Celestial Being is the Human Reform League. Sergei has formed a new special task force with a rather silly name (chiobu? lol) to annihilate Celestial Being, steal its Gundams and sexually violate its bridge bunnies. (Maybe not the last part.)

Gundam 00

His plan involves using billions of dollars of tax money to send out tens of thousands of communication devices to form a network in the area around the orbital ring. Since GN particles disrupt communications, all the HRL task force has to do is to see which communicators are malfunctioning in order to pinpoint the Gundams’ locations. Sergei’s a fricking genius!

And in no time, HRL manages to locate Ptolemaios. This means that Ptolemy does indeed give off GN particles, which seriously begs the question of why it needs Gundams for energy. Perhaps GN drives and solar furnaces are two different things after all.

The Battle Plan

Oh my god! A real battle plan! This makes the Seikai fanboy in me squeal with delight.

Immediately after they receive a hit on their spanking new networked detectors, the HRL task force launches an assault on Celestial Being, making it the first time so far in this series that Ptolemaios has come under any threat.

The HRL task force identities three separate regions where communication has been jammed. The first one is of course Ptolemy. The other two are actually Kyrios and Virtue which are scrambled as diversions after the Ptolemy crew realized that their location has been compromised.

Gundam 00
HRL transport vessel

The HRL force consists of four multi-purpose transport vessels loaded with mobile suits. The vessel type codename is written as ラオホゥ in katakana, so it’s probably either Raohou or Laohou. I’m guessing it’s 牢厚, but I’m not sure.

Gundam 00

According to Sumeragi’s plans, Kyrios and Virtue (top and bottom) are meant to be obvious diversions. She is hoping that the enemy will see through it and therefore ignore them.

Gundam 00

Following that, she plans to have them circle around from the back and, together with Exia and Dynames which remain on Ptolemaios, form a classic pincer attack.

Gundam 00

Unfortunately, Sergei is a fricking genius! He responds with his own diversion by sending two empty transport vessels to engage Kyrios and Virtue. Sumeragi doesn’t know that these two vessels have already unloaded their mobile suits and by the time she realizes it, it is too late for her to change her plan.

Gundam 00

Unknown to the Ptolemy crew, the entire bulk of HRL’s mobile forces are actually concentrated around the two transport vessels heading towards them. Ptolemy, pinch!

Gundam 00

Sergei’s tactic is brilliant on many levels.

Most importantly, the first move that he anticipates Ptolemaios to take upon realizing that it has been discovered is to head to the solar energy generator satellites. This is because the satellites give off electromagnetic radiation that interferes with communication, thus camouflaging the interference caused by the ship’s GN particles. And Sumeragi does indeed take that course of action. This is a fatal mistake because it cuts off Ptolemy’s communication with Kyrios and Virtue, allowing Sergei to lay an ambush for all three of them.

That said, Sumeragi is amazing too.

Within seconds of observing the enemy’s course of action, she deduces Sergei’s entire plan and even identifies him as the commanding officer in charge because he used the same tactic 18 years ago during the Fourth Solar War. Like seriously, how the heck can she do that? Of course, it’s too late by then as Ptolemy has already lost contact with Kyrios and Virtue and cannot tell them to head back.

I’ll leave the rest for you to appreciate when you watch the episode.

Speaking of Seikai, this episode does indeed give off the Seikai vibes. Ah, how I miss space combats fought in the two-dimensional planar universe with space-time bubbles and automated mines… Please for the love of Haruhi, watch Seikai no Monshou/Senki if you haven’t already. It’s one of the greatest sci-fi epics ever, according to me.

I digress. Moving on.


Gundam 00
Lockon in a suit

Gundam 00
Lockon visiting a grave

Gundam 00
Lockon’s twin(?)

Gundam 00
Evil(?) twin(?)

Gundam 00
“We want Ron Paul!”

Gundam 00
“China will grow larger!”

Gundam 00
“Nice ass.” “Which one?”

Gundam 00
Louise’s mother

Gundam 00
Levitating earrings

Gundam 00
Half the headline picture is a rooftop

Gundam 00
Does she ever smile?

Gundam 00
Representatives from the United Nations

Gundam 00

Gundam 00
OMG Felt is crying! T_T

Gundam 00
Don’t come any closer you pervert!

Gundam 00
My name is Neil Dylandi (no, really; that’s his real name)…

Gundam 00
…and I am a child sex predator

Gundam 00
What the hell is with that homoerotic blush?

Gundam 00
Glow-in-the-dark Ptolemy

Gundam 00
The peach ironman!

Gundam 00
She doesn’t fire a single shot in this episode

I am kind of disturbed by the character dynamics between Felt and Lockon aka Neil… Felt, stay away from the abunai oniichan!

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55 Responses to Gundam 00 — Episode 9

  1. Demian says:

    Lockon is definitely now A CHAR.

  2. Ryuko_Hikaru says:

    “China will grow larger.” Lol, CnC Generals, Chinese bulldozer.

    Lockon has a brother? This could be a REALLY interesting spin off.

    And the task force name is chiobu (it means pretty lady in hokkien dialect for non-sg fans)??? ARE YOU SURE????

    Lockon likes Felt. That is cute. Felt is such a INTJ and Lockon is such an ENFP, a perfect fit. And they like Haros.

    Also, is the grave Lockon visiting his father’s grave? I remember reading from somewhere that his dad died in a terror attack, and I think that what causes him to hate terrorism so much.

    P.S Where did you get the raw from?

  3. tj han says:

    Hey I am offended you thought those were good tactics. Haha, you must not have real life combat experience unlike us manly soldiers!! Unless of course you’re being sarcastic.

    It is stupid to distribute your forces when you’re outnumbered and your enemy wants to capture your troopers. Also when the mother ship is unarmed. Considering how one Gundam can overpower at least 20 MSes on its own, surely it would be safer to stick in a group, when not all Gundams are at full strength and the ship needs protection and you don’t know how many enemies there are.

  4. DarkMirage says:

    I am offended that you didn’t even read the post properly. I was complimenting Sergei. I didn’t say anything about Sumeragi other than her inhuman ability to identify Sergei by name from a single formation.

    And yeah, an army journalist would know how to do it right. ~_~

  5. Tom Yue says:

    I think it’s 老虎 (laohu) – tiger.

  6. Everlasting says:

    HRL has some lousy taste for combat suits. I thought that those ugly tube respirators were bad enough, but they now have their super soldiers dressed for a more friendly alien interception.

  7. BladeOfNether says:

    lol “China will grow larger.” but i rather think Sergei is mixed blood between Chinese and Indian or sort like that judging from his appearance, since HRL is composed of China, India and part of Russia.

  8. DH says:


    Sergei is actually from Russia. Sumeragi said so in the ep. He is aka “The Russian Bear”. Why? Maybe cuz of the scar on his eye.

  9. Soulshift says:

    If you enjoy watching tactics / counter-tactics like these, the you owe it to yourself to watch Starship Operators, if you haven’t already.

    The sequence you described reminded me more of SSO (risky tactics involving deception) than Seikai (typically ‘safe’ strategies, often with minimization of friendly losses in mind)

  10. Meebo says:

    Are you sure Lockon’s last name isn’t Durande? That’s actually an Irish name (although it’s usually given as Durand)….

  11. DarkMirage says:

    Tom Yue:

    That is possible… But ホゥ is read as “ho”. Felt pronounced it with a “o” sound instead of a “u” sound too.


    I did watch that lol. It’s good, especially Shizuka-sama. :P


    I’m not sure actually. But the katakana says “dirandi”, so I don’t think it is Durande or Durante.

  12. Anonymous_own_you_all says:

    About the twins in the begining of the episode:

    It’s almost 100% certain that Lockon-02, that one who just visited the grave to leave the flowers was the Original Lockon’s brother, because Lockon-02 asks himself “It could be him?”, meaning that Lockon-02 hasn’t seen his original self for a long time.

    So our Lockon is the one hidden behind the tree. He’s (much) faster than Lockon-02 and left flowers earlier than his Copypasta.

  13. Tom Yue says:


    Well, I was playing fast and loose with the pronounciation; I don’t actually, uh, /speak/ Japanese, just like how the producers don’t actually seem to /speak/ Chinese. :p

    Since the official website did out Soma Pieris’ Tieren as Taozi (what a !@#$ing horrible name), I have a fairly strong impression that “tiger” (laohu) is what the producers wanted to go for, but they juuuuuust couldn’t quite get there…

  14. DarkMirage says:

    I guess it does make more sense than the thing I came up with.

    But still, at least Taozi sounded like it. >_<

  15. Ryuko_Hikaru says:

    Seriously the pink mecha looks like a polygonal peach to me.

    I don’t know if this is a coincidence or what, but Haro looks like a giant orange. Is there a fruit plot behind all these?

  16. =.= says:

    Soma is probably finally like “About time that we have an improved cockpit”. It seems like the peach ms even has wider ranger of view than the gundams

  17. Crusader says:

    Bah, Sumeragi did choose the worst course of action possible she was faced with an ambush and possessed superior forces. She should have fought her way through it instead of splitting her forces and losing the most vital thing when facing an ambush, communications. Any serious ambush means that the path of retreat would have been cut off and the flanks would be threatened, as such the forces in front are traditionally meant to hold the ambushed in place with firepower being stronger on the flanks to rake the enemy.

    Looks like as much things change many things stay the same the UN is corrupt and toothless as it ever was with Alejandro corner as General Secretary. No doubt he has presided over a greater disaster than Food for Oil or that annoying issue of UN peacekeepers behaving themselves around under age girls in warzones… Still this meeting of a shouta-con and a loli-con could prove interesting.

    Still Nice to see the HRL being busy during their extended absence due to Saji and Louise. Soma finally got a new HUD.

  18. Lyer says:

    Ah, yet another cliffhanger? Well we know what will happen pretty much. Seeing as how it is way too early for Celestial Being to get killed off, they will either pull out some awesome strategic…strategy. Or some weapon that will blow all the enemies to pieces! Like a minni-sized Reqiuem or the guns off of Gundam Freedom (lol).

  19. DarkMirage says:

    Heh. I don’t think Alejandro is the General Secretary? He’s just the UN envoy for that particular UN initiative.

  20. Eh says:

    I’m fairly certain that there’s just two Neil twins and the one that came early was Lockon while the second one was the normal one. I figure the backstory goes something like Lockon joined CB shortly after the terrorist attack leaving his twin brother behind.

    Also there’s been an awful lot of Feltservice going on in these past two episodes, I hope they’re not setting her up to die.

  21. Delon says:

    About Sumeragi deducting the whole plan, she didn’t realize that the HRL wanted the gundams way too late else she wouldn’t split them up in the first place. Another fatal mistake that she made. The gundams are weak on their own (expect for surprise attacks of cuz) because they all have glaring weaknesses in terms of weapons.

  22. Delon says:

    And another thing, it’s funny how she told alleujah that if they get attacked during maintenance all they can do is blame God. That sure bit her back in the ass bad. She should have forced everyone to stay in their positions (incl herself) until the gundams finish maintenance. She lets her guard off too easily. Hopefully she won’t make the same mistake again.

  23. Qad says:

    I kept pronouncing Sergei as “Sir Gay” in my mind while reading. Haven’t watched it though so I dunno if it’s really pronounced that way.

    Oh and Felt’s too ugly for Lockon =( It’s her hairstyle…

  24. Guner says:

    Sergei is awesome. Knew it from the first time i saw him.

    Felt and ugly in the same sentence? kay

    Why would it be more dangerous to split up when they wanna catch the gundams then when they wanna destroy them anyway?

  25. IKnight says:

    Well this was more enjoyable than 8. It felt more cohesive.

  26. Alias says:

    I’m pretty sure Sumeragi operation’s general goal is to eliminate the enemy as quickly and cleanly as possible. If she were to gather all her troops at one point, no matter how powerfull the gundams are, it’ll still take quite some time to eliminate four fully armed squadrons. Not to mention that if she does do that, there’s a chance that the HCL troops might meet up with reinforcements before attacking.

    In actuality, that plan would have been great as far as the situation gets if the enemies plan was to destroy or capture the mothership. As it turns out, it was an almost total failure. Lets just hope they manage to wring it somehow.

  27. Nekonron says:

    Wow, first time CB getting their ass handed to them. This is the first episode that really got me wanting for more!

    Sergei’s strategy really blew me off. At first I was disappointed that he actually sent his men to die at the hands of Kyrios and Virtue, but he really made great use of empty kamikaze vessels and so far only lost a few units at most.

    Looks like Sumeragi and the Meisters are pwned this time, but maybe Veda has something interesting for us in the next episode :D

  28. Great work! Can’t wait for more.

  29. Ыемуфт Ещвщкщм says:

    иуиудуиылфнф ырщекф зуды вуиукф ыршифп ыектншг срвыислытоыимав аит лавд 9гп а каугав кпамк цйывакеры ак в пк увр вак н ее ы ву е ногоню

  30. Dazzer says:

    Whoa. lol

    The ending does say something about “Virtue reveals his hidden abilities” yeh?

    Maybe its massive shoulder cannons will pop off and convert into mobile armors and the manwoman controls them using newtype abilities. ^^

  31. heron says:

    I think that’s really Tiger in chinese, the HRL’s transport vessels.

    Anyway, loving the series so far. What is interesting is the fact that the Gundam Meisters have code names. Wonder what’s Tieria and Hapitism’s real names…

  32. Guner says:

    The preview for the next episode shows Kyrios and Virtue captured. I suppose that makes them lucky they were being shot at with rope instead of guns… bleh i hate when luck is what saves the day.

  33. Shane says:

    I hope they have Hallelujah take over and turn on Allelujah’s comrades.

  34. Aoi_sora says:

    Lolz I myself think Sumeragi’s tactic just doesn’t work. If it was me, I would:

    1/ Strip Felt and throw her outside Ptolemaios, this will make all the MS pilots going “AWE” —> they will lose control over their MS and will collide to each other —> Die. lolz

    2/ Strip Setsuna and do the same tactic. The girl-who-has-a-pink-MS-and-never-smile will fall for him and will go crazy like in the earlier episode.

    3/ Proceed to strip other girls in the Ptolemaios if 2 tactics above fail to eliminate the whole enemy MS team. Sumeragi is going to strip last to deliver the final blow.

    This will just work. Believe me!

  35. Pear says:

    I second the Seikai comment. But unfortunately it makes almost every other space combat anime look silly. Maybe except Starship Operators (Shinon and Rio FTW). ^^

  36. James says:

    Lockon’s real name is neil delaney

  37. Q says:

    Rather than diversions, I think what Sumeragi was trying to do was more of a flanking maneuver, which is a basic yet important military tactic. Sergei might have anticiptated this and has taken this as an advantage to him so he can capture the two flanking gundams with his own flanking forces, while making Sumeragi to think that their original target is Ptolemaios itself with the rest of his force as suppression (and possibly the real diversion).

    It looks like that Sunrise is trying to put in some real and practical stuff into this series (e.g. political backgrounds and military tactics) but not to make them too complicated or else that could have drawn away viewers’ attention. But afterall these are just my opinions, but I hope you’ll appreciate them.

  38. Alwyn Tan says:

    Oops. forgot that HTML is not supported, so I can’t embed images.

  39. ky says:

    Since Ptolemy is not a armed vessel, it should just turn its head away from the enemies. The enemies don’t have what-ever-particle and should be detected by them easily. In the modern warfare, ‘flanking’ refer to attack from side, not rear, else the 2 friendly forces will end up shooting at each other (Ptolemy at risk of taking Virtue’s cannon….).

    Whatever the outcome, 00 sucks. I mean…. each episodes doesn’t link up well. They forgot all the ‘terrorist’ thing, Pink MS forgot to go berserk, and hell they forgot the existence of Graham Acre.

  40. darkdestiny says:

    Looks like most of the things I wanna say had been mentioned by the repliers. Busy lately.

    Ky, the terrorists that fight against the CB are all eliminated in Episode 8, thus not much news in the time span between Episodes 8 and 9. Anyway, only the HRL are involved in space, so no Union members. Finally, I’ve got nothing to say about the white-haired girl, but it seems that something is fixed inside her (to prevent her from going crazy), or she managed to compose herself. Not to mention there may be other possibilities.

    To make things worse, Sumeragi cannot communicate with the Gundam pilots! It’s a bit too bad, although it’s a good chance to observe the hidden abilities of Kyrios and Virtue, or their pilots.

  41. Guner says:

    I guess some people just dont pay attention. The berserk problem was fixed way back in episode 6. Too bad nothing was done to help Allelujah.

    This is a real mess. Allelujah is in trouble, Lockon seems to have problems aiming, and Sumeragi really fucked things up by blocking communications. They could just as easily have killed them all off without trying to run and hide.

  42. Epi says:

    I quite liked this episode as well. It brought back good Seikai/Starship Operators vibes, although did not approach the awesomeness that is LOGH, but I digress.

    The one thing this episode sorely lacked was bouncing bridge bunnies after the ship was hit. The one thing it finally had was one member of CB that ACTUALLY SHOWS ANY LIKING OF WOMEN. This is probably the biggest event of the episode.

  43. Q says:

    After GN-004 has been unveiled on 6th December, I’m not sure whether I’m looking forward to the next episode.

    And off-topic: next season of Code Geass should be on air between the two 00 seasons I think – there are recently magazine coverage of it along with a new character.

  44. darkdestiny says:

    Hey, Guner, don’t forget they say Allelujah had a friend named Hallelujah that could take the former’s place in the fight.

  45. darkdestiny says:

    Happened to be looking at the Episode 10 screenshots in Man, do Gundams have long hair (the GN-004 appears to have that).

  46. darkdestiny says:

    Finally, Guner, I gotta admit, should there be something that was fixed inside Soma, I may have missed whatever was said about her in Episode 6.

  47. andreas says:

    Its great that we learn that all CB members have real names and that totaly retarded names like Halleluja are only Codenames (though retarded ones).
    Makes that series kinda…better.

    And for the GN particles…well, i think there are 2 logical theories.
    Either the ship has GN particles but cannot create them, meaning it has to restock on particles every now and then from the Gundams in order to stay operational.
    Or it does not have GN Particles and the fact that the communication-network-plan worked is due to the coincidence that the Gundams were onboard the ship.

    I think the frst theory sounds more convincing. After all the Ship (can’t spell the stupid thing) also uses GN particles to defend itself. Would be retarded if it would do that without having any for itself.
    But it still doesnt seem to be able to create them.

  48. I’ve made a good discovery and I’m proud of myself for it, so I want to share it with all you Gundam 00 fans. I found a website where you can watch all the episodes online – guys, they’re free too! Here it is:

    There’s no need to thank me DarkMirage and all others :p lol

  49. I'm Cool says:

    Felt and Lockon ftw!!!!

    to bad he dies…

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