Gundam 00 — Nyoro~n Translation Errors

I was quite alarmed by a comment posted by tsuki_Yomi in my previous entry. His understanding of the relationship between Ptolemaios and Gundams in Gundam 00 appears to be the complete opposite of what episode 3 revealed. I decided that some fansub group must have done everyone a huge disfavour and since Nyoro~n is the only group that has released so far (as of this posting)…

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

So yeah, here’s a comparison of all the major translation errors in episode 3 released by Nyoro~n Fansubs. Of course since I do translation checking for Mendoi-Conclave, you can say that I have a vested interest in doing this comparison. But keep in mind that I didn’t make anything up and all the errors are really there when you watch their release. Enjoy.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: よもや君に出会えようとは
Nyoro~n: Oh come now, this is just like when I first saw you.
Menclave: Who would’ve thought… facing you like this…

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: おとめ座のわたしには、センチメンタリズムな運命を感じずにはいられない
Nyoro~n: You’re not going to end this fated battle without returning my sentimentalities.
Menclave: Being a Virgo, I can’t help but feel this is a sentimental destiny.
Comment: Completely missing out the first half of the sentence (Virgo part). I agree that “sentimental destiny” sounds really stupid, but at least it doesn’t alter the meaning.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: それとも、光の粒子を出していなかったから見つけられたのか……
Nyoro~n: Or perhaps you thought I hadn’t noticed that light that’s streaming out of you?
Menclave: Or was I able to find you because you forgot to send out those glowing particles?
Comment: An honest mistake, I’m sure.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks
Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: 手土産に…破片の1つもいただいていく!
Nyoro~n: I admire your strength… So I’m going to take you back in one piece!
Menclave: As a souvenir… I’ll take a piece of you with me!
Comment: WTF?

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: いやはや、本当に予測不能な人だよ君は
Nyoro~n: Goodness gracious, you’re certainly someone who grasps your shortcomings far too late, aren’t you?
Menclave: My, my, you’re such an unpredictable character.
Comment: Nice…

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: 今回の戦闘で得られたガンダムのデータは、フラッグ1機を失ったとしてもおつりがくる
Nyoro~n: We got some battle data on the Gundam, and your Flag was unharmed.
Menclave: Considering the data we obtained on the Gundam during this fight, even losing the Flag would have been a good trade.
Comment: Hey, at least all the important keywords are there!…This time~nyoro~

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: それにしても若かったな…ソレスタルビーイングのパイロットは
Nyoro~n: I just did this to better understand… that Celestial Being pilot.
Menclave: Besides all that, he sure was young… Celestial Being’s pilot.
Comment: LOL~!! wakai (young) != wakaru (understand)

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: モビルスーツの動きに感情がのっていたのさ
Nyoro~n: When you’re moving a mobile suit, you tend to lose yourself.
Menclave: I could read his feelings from the way he moved his mobile suit.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: 10分以内に速報配信!次のニュースは現地からの中継だ!3時間以内に人革主席の公式声明が出るぞ!
Nyoro~n: There’s got to be something that’s been leaked. Just run a recap for the next newscast; this time tomorrow you all better have something to give me!
Menclave: Send out this news flash within the next 10 minutes! Do a live on-site broadcast for the next news segment! The head of the Human Reform League is making an official statement in less than 3 hours!
Comment: Okay, Nyoro~n, now you are just making shit up.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: 枠を空けとけ!
Nyoro~n: Get your asses in gear!
Menclave: Keep that time slot open!
Comment: Mmmm…ass…

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Orignial: 21世紀のセキュリティはあってないようなものだからな
Nyoro~n: Besides, there’s no way a man from the 21st century could be around today.
Menclave: Security in the 21st century was almost non-existent, after all.
Comment: Not even close.

Major WTF Errors

Actually I am sick of this. It’s only 5 minutes into the episode and a quick glance through the rest of Nyoro~n’s script reveals that the entire thing is full of nonsense. But I’ll just highlight a few more MAJOR MISTAKES, some of them which totally changed the entire plot. I have doubts that the translator speaks any Japanese at all.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks
Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: 僕たちに弱点があるとすれば、ガンダムがないとプトレマイオスの活動時間が極端に限定されてしまうと
Nyoro~n: If there was one weak point for us… It would be that our Gundams are severely limited by the need to periodically return to the Ptolemaios.
Menclave: If we have a weak point, it’s that, without the Gundams, the operational time of the Ptolemaios would be extremely limited.
Comment: This may sound counter-intuitive, but yes, the Gundams really are Ptolemy’s power source. The original Japanese dialogue made it very clear.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: アイルランドのアルスター地方では、散発的ではありますが、テロ行為が4世紀近くにわたって続いています
Nyoro~n: Ireland’s Ulster Volunteer Forces are scattered across the country, though those factions who engage in terrorist activities remain hidden.
Menclave: In Ireland’s Ulster region, though sporadic, terrorist acts have been occurring for approximately four centuries.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: 材質はEカーボン。最新素材ではありますが、構造上、目新しい技術は確認されていません
Nyoro~n: It’s well-reinforced with carbon, the technology on the inside is cutting edge, some of it’s unheard of.
Menclave: It’s made out of E-carbon. It’s made out of the most up-to-date material, but, in terms of design, we cannot find any new technology being used.
Comment: The whole point of this dialogue is to show that CB are really careful not to divulge their technological secrets. Great job missing the whole point, Nyoro~n.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: あの特殊粒子は、ステルス性のほかに機体制御にも使われている
Nyoro~n: If we obtain a sample of that special particle, we can achieve the same results.
Menclave: Those special particles, besides their stealth features, are also used for controlling the suit.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: おそらくは、火器にも転用されているじゃろうて
Nyoro~n: So you’re going to give a Flag the firepower to match him?
Menclave: They’re likely to be applied as weapons too.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: 恐ろしい男じゃ、わしらより何十年も先の技術を持っておる
Nyoro~n: He’s a wicked man. 70 years ago I learned of his deceit.
Menclave: A dreadful man… having technology that’s several decades ahead of us.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks
Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: わしは麻薬などというものが心底嫌いでな!焼き払ってくれるというなら、ガンダムを支持したい
Nyoro~n: That’s not the role you’re meant to fill, you need to be remade before then. I want to teach you what you need to blow the Gundam away.
Menclave: I hate narcotics from the bottom of my heart. If they intend to burn that down, I’ll support the Gundams.
Comment: Uh… How the fuck did you even get that?

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: エネルギー、ヴァーチェからトレミーへの転送準備完了、転送開始します
Nyoro~n: Virtue now drawing energy from the solar furnace.
Menclave: Energy, transfer preparations from Virtue to Ptolemy complete.
Comment: Once again, Nyoro~n totally fucks up the relationship between Ptolemy and Gundams. Oh well, at least they are being consistent about it. :)

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks
Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: ソレスタルビーイングを利用する国。その国すら利用する国
Nyoro~n: Celestial Being begins to be received by countries. These countries become host nations.
Menclave: The nations who make use of Celestial Being. The nations who use those nations.
Comment: Once again, I admit the shortcomings of Menclave’s version. It sounds a little weird in English, but at least that’s what the original dialogue is saying. We didn’t make things up! Yay!


Keep in mind that beyond the first 5 minutes of the episode, I only chose to highlight selective mistakes because it would probably take me a few hours more to document the whole thing. There’s something wrong with at least 70% of the lines. The translator goes to great length to make it sound like he knows what he is doing, such that his so-called “translations” sound reasonable to someone who doesn’t speak Japanese. That is, in my humblest opinion, dishonest and disturbing.

If you don’t understand a single word of Japanese at all, it’s better for you to watch the raws than to watch Nyoro~n. I hesitate to call their release a “translation” because in reality it is closer to being a parody sub. It’s as if the “translator” decided to write his own story because he didn’t like Sunrise’s scriptwriters. If you are a Gundam fan, please, for the love of Haruhi and all that is good, wait for some other group to release. It doesn’t even have to be Mendoi-Conclave

If my experiences are anything to go by, some commentators will start accusing me of being “elitist” and “not helping the situation” just about now. But this time I learnt my lesson. Rest assured that Nyoro~n’s translator has had his mistakes pointed out to him many, many times before I typed this blog entry. He continues to insist that he knows what he is doing. Fine, here’s my proof otherwise.

That said, Nyoro~n’s release does offer hours of quality entertainment for someone who speaks Japanese. It’s hilarious. :)

This has been a public service announcement from a guy with too much free time on his hands.

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250 Responses to Gundam 00 — Nyoro~n Translation Errors

  1. Hinano says:

    DM> Dunno if you saw my follow up comments before you responded but I did read that you attempted to tell their translator about mistakes and they refused to listen. Also I didn’t realize people commented on your blog telling you that your story telling is wrong. Wow well in that case I can see why you’d get annoyed! :D

    Also I don’t think Anime Junkies was better lol. They ran their translations through babelfish from like Korean to English lol. Even if these guys are making it up at least it makes some sense hahahaha. Come on MASS NAKED CHILD EVENTS!

    Also I am saying nothing about your blogging o_O; I don’t really care how you blog lol, it’s your thing. I’m only referring to this specific post I guess.

  2. Hinano says:

    P.S. For the reason of bad fansubbing, I haven’t actually watched fansubs in like 4 years, so I don’t even know who’s Nyoron to be honest or who fansubs what, nor do I really care lol. Like I said I saw the whole thing as a smartass picking at a moron, but when I read deeper into your post and saw a few comments who corrected me, I realized that was not the case.

    Chill out, I am on your side. :P

  3. VinceC says:

    Its a speed sub, its supposed to give the general gist of the episode, not be an exact translation.

  4. FlameStrike says:

    Hm huge thanks to DM for pointing this out. When I watched Nyoro’s subs I was thinking “Only fat one needs to recharage?” so I simply assumed it used more power. I thought the yaoi refrences where a bit akward as well as the “loosing oneself in passion” thing. I don’t know japanese so I would have been tricked into thinking his translations were somewhat accurate. I’ll be dling the other groups versions now. Althought my computer can’t play MKV files due to bad proccesser speed.

  5. korosora says:

    v2 Nyoro~n subs released!

  6. silverfire says:

    @VinceC: I hardly call the opposite meaning a ‘gist.’

  7. I wish this kind of pointing out everything wrong about nyoro~n existed back at the start of the spring season, when they first showed up to butcher Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Thank you very much, DM.

    I’m not JLPT tested, but I’ve taken enough Japanese to know an okay sub from a shitty one. Sometimes speed subbers miss the mark, but usually they do okay.

    Not nyoro~n. Nyoro~n couldn’t translate worth a dime back in the spring and they certainly can’t translate now, it seems. It took me four episodes of their crap to finally be fed up with their nonsense and watch raws until the groups that actually took at the least first level japanese got around to them.

    I normally don’t get so passionate about condemning a group as utter garbage, but I make a strong exception in nyoro~n’s case.

    For all those talking about speed subbers, you know who else are “speed subbers?” Dattebayo was when they first appeared, they sort of still ARE, but not only were they okay to start, they GOT BETTER. Their drama with tweaking the fanbase is irksome, but at least they can translate. These anonymous blokes that are becoming an increasing presence in the fansubbing community? They’re speedsub. They still understand the language.

    Nyoro~n not only DOESN’T understand the language, it’s clear from DM’s and others efforts to inform them they have no intention of improving. I fully and entirely endorse this message to stop downloading the filth they are dumping on the net.

  8. wxyrty says:

    You mean he is not gay…oh boy…

  9. DarkMirage says:

    I realized that there is a whole Katagiri x Graham fangirl movement due to a single mistranslated line in Nyoro~n’s episode 3. Sorry for ruining the fun. D:

  10. AmakusaZero says:

    Thanks for pinting this out, I’m watching Gundam 00 from TV-Nihon 1080p raw. coz not everyone here understand japanese I’m giving them those raws with nyoron (with 10s shift in timing), in ep 1 & 2 I just skimmed through the translation noticed 1-2 mistranslations (didn’t read the whole thing), i though it’s understandable considering it’s speedsub. I didn’t watch ep 3 yet just got the RAW today.

    I should make this my own project since I’m a translator in an understaffed indonesian fansub. I’ll end up doing the timing myself :( or maybe i should stole nyoroon’s timing ^_^;

  11. Ryken says:

    As a Japanese student, I can pretty much confirm that assuming the writer here got the lines transcribed right (don’t doubt it, just haven’t seen the episode myself, so I can’t say whether or not there was any problem there), his translating is on the mark, so… yea >.>

  12. Aspen says:

    DarkMirage, everyone has an ego, regardless of whether it’s big or small. No one like to have their errors pointed out on the Net where everyone can see. I humbly suggest that you just leave Nyoro~n alone. Let others decide which fansub group they want to support.

  13. anonymous says:

    lol… DM, history repeats itself doesn’t it???

    ah well, stand strong with your beliefs

  14. anonymous says:

    and well, face the reality to other people who’s unwilling to confront the truth

  15. dKiWi says:

    lol the truth always, always hurts. Not many people can handle it. I mean yes, the truth does make you more bitter, which is why non-bitter ones try to cover it up as much as possible. And I definitely support this post since National Service has made me horrendously bitter. F**king regular sergeants who expect NSFs to do their work when we get paid shit, f**k the whole world.

    I showed the MenClave blogpost (on trackback) to a few Bleachtard friends and just because they can’t accept the fact they wasted a few hundred hours of their lives they just write it off as bullshit. Heck, if you can accept truth, you wouldn’t be worshipping Bleach in the first place anyway.

    Yes, I suspect Dattebayo, the idiotic rogue subber who is giving fansubbers a bad name, is fooling around as well. But even if you don’t do a check on them, I sure hope someone will.

    That said, I actually don’t give a shit about Gundam, and have my hands full from CLANNAD to Sketchbook ~full color`S~ this season, but I guess I’ll give MenClave’s releases a try anyway.

  16. Roll-chan says:

    I’m currently studying Japanese, and I’m able to understand certain sentences and vocab…. and I have enough knowledge to be able to figure out that Nyoro~n’s subs are off.
    I’m shocked… I’ve always trusted fansubs to stick to the original translations, way better than dubs… but this, it seems worse than dubs.

    Personally, after downloading Nyoro~n’s first episode, and downloading Menclave’s it’s very clear that Menclave has more experience with fansubs.

    My brother said that Nyoro~n probably used Babelfish…..

    Oh dear. This just detroyed my trust in fansubs…. I’ll be sure to do my research on certain groups that I haven’t come across before.

    Keep up the good work Menclave! Maybe you could fix the subs that sometimes come up funny? :D

  17. ScR3WiEuS says:

    Hey Roll-chan,
    Thanks. We’ll be sure to continue doing our best.

    “My brother said that Nyoro~n probably used Babelfish…..”

    That’s not true. We tried putting all those lines into babelfish,
    and babelfish actually did better than nyoron. This is not a joke.

  18. Seraphim says:

    How do I apply the v2 to the original?

  19. ScR3WiEuS says:

    the v2 for nyoron? don’t bother.
    it’s still 90% made up

  20. Seraphim says:

    They seem to have fixed most of the problems DM highlihted.

    However, Is the part where he says “That’s what made me fall for him” made up? If so that aint fixed.

    Personally I’m still waiting for anon to do ep 3 in HD mp4, since my devices dont play nice with mkv.

  21. silverfire says:

    “Almost all the errors which I did not point out in Nyoro~n’s episode 3 still exist in v2. I shall keep an eye out for episode 4. Lolfang, you’ll find me a lot harder to fool than most people. :)”

    Taken from DarkMirage’s post on 4chan.

  22. DarkMirage says:

    Aspen: I’m afraid I can’t accept that. When you say “let others decide which fansub group they want to support”, you are assuming that people possess the ability to determine which is the one that they really want. And as evident above, many people were misled. This clearly shows that they didn’t possess the necessary information required to make an informed choice.

    If everyone could tell bad translations from good ones, then we wouldn’t need fansubs in the first place. Fansubbing operates on faith and I think faith was clearly abused in this case.

  23. andreas says:

    Hm..I watched 1&2 from Nyoron~n and 3 from Menclave…Now I watched 1&2 again, Menclave this time, and…man tha sure makes a whole lot more sense. I thought Gundam 00 just sucked, but it’s really quite good if you understand what the hell these guys are talking about.

    I don’t understand a word of japanese, but even I noticed that in Episode 1 some parts just didn’t make sense. Like thepart with the US government. there is no way in hell they would let CB take their place.

    Thanks for the information. Menclave subs have a better quality anyway…though I have a few problems with the subtitles and vlc @ Linux…

  24. neiex says:

    As far as Nyoron subs go I learned my lesson with gurren lagann and never trusted them again and since anons sub wasn’t released yet i was hesitant to download from menclave in fear that i would be “nyoron-rolled” but just to see that you guys not only do a quality job but also expose crap for what it is has re-newed my faith in fansubers, keep up the good work
    *where were you when Gurren Lagann was released T.T

  25. Aspen says:

    To DarkMirage: Nope, I am not assuming anything. You got me wrong. What I am trying to say is that no matter how much you try to caution others regarding Nyoron~n’s subs, there will be those few hardcore ones who will support them all the way. Which is why I said to let the public decide for themselves. Human beings are all deluded one way or another. You have done a wonderful job already.

    Anyway, it’s just a suggestion of mine. You are free to walk your own path. I will watch the action an the sidelines.

    Wishing you happiness.


  26. AGrove says:

    Hi DarkMirage,

    I will trust your word on the incompetency of the Nyoron~n subs (as a non-Japanese speaker), and will almost certainly be following either Menclave or Anonymous from now on.

    But you mentioned in Bandai rant a while back that fansubbing is not staying true to its original purpose, which was to bring to us shows for which we were not the target audience.

    In that case why are you subbing Gundam 00, which is part of a venerable cash-cow franchise? Surely you’d be better off using your influence to tell people to buy the DVDs or watch it on cable TV when it comes out. No offence, but you seem to be the (slightly hypocritical) spot-changing leopard who has suddenly come far from being a “disillusioned ex-fansubber” (I’m quoting you exactly here).

    Would you agree? :P

  27. andreas says:

    How long are we supposed to wait for those DVDs?^^
    Well, as a German, I’m hardly ever part of the targeted audience…don’t think there has ever been a german dub for a Gundam series.

  28. ScR3WiEuS says:

    His article about bandai just stated the truth. He didn’t really make any promise about not fansubbing bandai stuff. In fact, it shows that he’s not a moron. He’s doing something he knows is wrong, that’s all.

  29. Baka-Ranger says:

    man, u surelly have a lot of free time… lol

  30. DarkMirage says:

    This whole comment is largely irrelevant to the current topic lol. But I like to give proper replies to comments. Anyway, skip this if you’re only interested in the the topic of this blog entry.


    Heh, it wasn’t my original intention to fansub Gundam 00. You will find that I am not listed in the credits for episode 1. The reason why I decided to help out is the same reason why I posted this comparison. Frankly, M-C’s ep1 wasn’t very well done. (Ops.)

    Anyway, I think you misunderstood what I meant… I wasn’t pissed that people were fansubbing Ghost in the Shell, I was pissed that they were complaining that Bandai “pre-announced” the licensing of SSS.

    I brought up popularity of a series because if GitS was a very obscure title that no one would buy and Bandai told fansubbers to just stop, I would’ve found the complaints to be somewhat logical. I am disillusioned by how fansubbers still think that the companies owe them.

    People stopped subbing obscure shows not because they decided to, but because the good and obscure of the yesteryears are the good and popular shows of today. Circumstances have changed, fansubbers can no longer legitimately argue that the companies owe them any grace period before licensing.

    I’m not asking fansubbers to go back to the good old days. (It’s hard to find an obscure series that’s not shit these days anyway, since you can pretty much find information on everything on the net so all good stuff gets known fast.) I’m asking people to accept that the good old days are gone, so be happy with what you get and stop complaining.

    I quote myself…

    We are just selfish bastards who want to watch anime for free and we have no right to whine if Bandai chooses to do something about it.

    So yes, I am a selfish bastard who wants to watch anime for free. I never claimed otherwise. But I won’t whine if Bandai chooses to do something about it, such as announcing the license for G00 tomorrow morning.

    The only thing I am disillusioned about is the attitude of many fansubbers to Bandai’s announcement. Perhaps you thought that by “disillusioned ex-fansubber”, I was disillusioned with fansubbing. Well not exactly, I was an ex-fansubber and I was disillusioned, in the context that I have explained.

    Here’s another quote…

    If you plan to download Solid State Society like I will be doing, please at least admit that you are a pirate. I download pirated games and movies all the time too. But it just sounds terribly silly if you start calling foul when the company tells you to stop pirating. :) Stop pretending to be fighting the good fight, it’s not the 1990s any more.

    Not once did I tell people to stop fansubbing or stop downloading, just stop whining.

    Anyway, if you still think that I changed my message, then there’s really nothing more I can say.

    I need sleep. This comment probably has twenty billion typos but it’s too late to correct them. Oh well.

  31. cerulean says:

    I just finished watching Episode 3 by watching Nyoro~n and Mendoi-Conclave at the simultaneously. I must say that given my limited Japanese proficiency, I find Nyoro~n’s translation rather inaccurate and some times, they do make up their own lines. From the start, I had trusted Mendoi-Conclave more since you guys had fansubbed Stargazer (which I loved a lot!). I was curious and wanted to know how the other fansub groups fare, so I got both versions for comparision. Now I can be assured of my choice. The only problem is that my VLC can’t display subs in .mkv properly, but I’ll try to get my way around this issue..
    Perhaps you have your reason, or wanted to do something to feedback to Nyoro~n (in the name of protecting and honoring fansubbing), but I just feel that a slightly more subtle way of pointing out the mistakes (however obvious they are) may be easier to swallow… ^^;

  32. P37-R1 says:

    That was… i just dont kow what to say. I mean i dont know more then a few words and sentences of japaneese and even i could do a bit more accurate translation then thay did whit the help of bablefish. An my english wrighting skills arent that hot eather;) so thats pretty bad.
    And this once again reminds me why i dont download speedsubs or subs that score lower then 7.0(well sometimes im forced to since no one else translates those shows) at anidb for that mather.
    Well its not like Mendoi-Conclave is slow. a few days is more then acceptable when it comes to quality releases.

  33. Lance McCloud says:

    Although I think its good to point out these errors in the fansubs, there is two issues I would like to point out. You are downloading free fansubs, so you don’t really have any room to complain about the quality you are getting as you didn’t have to pay for this, and the person behind the translation did this out of his own free time. You option is to stick with another translator. Personally I wont complain about this, but I thank you for telling me about this issue as some errors in the translation as part of what makes me like real robot anime is the technical and political issues that have not been translated well enough to bring out the correct message in the story. I hope that this will stop at this with no hate for Nyoro~n and instead that we get a better Menclave sub release, or something on that level at the least as thats what I would like in terms of translation, even if that means i have to wait for the official DVD release. (and its more probable then with other recent Gundam TV series, even if I think Gundam 00 starts slow, it has more potential then most recent real robot anime series) And if those subtitles, and English dub, has similar errors in translation, THEN I would start to complain and be pissed about the issue as then I would have paid for the material and expect the best from something as important as a translation is to someone like me that know no Japanese.

  34. DarkMirage says:

    It’s not free. It’s a waste of bandwidth and time. It’s desecrating a series I like. If I packaged poison as free food and gave it to starving African children, you would have no right to complain? Sorry, but free doesn’t excuse it from being this bad.

  35. Lance McCloud says:

    Are you seriously comparing illegal copyright violations with charity? Wow, that has to be the most stupid thing I have heard in a while. It is free, you aren’t paying for the release in any way, if you don’t like it you should not complain, you should just not download the release instead. If you are dependent on fansubs to watch your anime, you have no right to complain what so ever as the fansubers are doing this out of their own free will, without getting anything for it just so that you can watch it now and don’t have to wait for a local release or even pay for it. Don’t bite the hand that feed you. There are other fansub groups out there that are not speed subs (a fact that makes your complaints even more pathetic) that probably do a better job, so keep quiet and watch their releases instead of making a fool out of yourselves.

  36. You are an idiot. says:

    You are a total douchebag and the main reason why most “otaku” fans are so fucking annoying. If you are so good at Japanese translation then release a fansub of your own. You are one of these super annoying types that think it’s your right to have this stuff. Grow up, leave your bedroom once in awhile and be grateful that there is anyone even doing fansubs in the first place.

  37. . says:

    @ You are an idiot. – He did release a fansub of his own. He a translator or translator checker for the Mendoi-Conclave Gundam00 release. Who’s the idiot now? 8^)

  38. jigokunohonoo says:

    @You are an idiot – PWNED. LOLZ.

  39. You both are. says:


  40. Shinn says:

    Thank u for informing me about that. As a gundam fan/atic, it wouldve sucked if kept on watching that funsub. im watchin anime on crunchyroll (u know this site?) and man, it didnt make sense. im not gud in speaking japanese but i did notice that some words didnt match at all. so thank u once again for presenting this, oh by the way i followed this link from another person watching Gundam 00 in the comment box, peace and have a great day :)

  41. Serenade says:

    Uhh… @Lance McCloud…

    In case you haven’t noticed… DM IS A TRANSLATOR of Mendoi-Conclave… This is like watching your nicely produced artwork being beaten by a complete pile of shit in art class just because the other guy finished 2 days ahead of the due date.

  42. Pingback: じ――ツಠ_ಠ。。。

  43. Hatori says:

    DM, you certainly have done your homework, unlike certain people who are most certainly going to be burying their heads in the sand.(Much like Xedo at the moment) over the expose of their “translations” i will certainly, if ever, give caution to others who actually get their fix from nyoron subs after this, particularly with their “firm” denial and discredit to yourself.

    Last but not least, i fully support you in this dorama.

  44. Koko says:


  45. DarkMirage says:

    Lance McCloud:

    Bandai and Sunrise are the hands that feed me. Nyorn~n is… Uh. Right. Anyway that’s totally out of point.

    Basically my point is that just because something is free doesn’t mean you don’t have the right to complain about it. Especially when you accepted it under false impressions.

    You don’t like my analogy? I thought it was close enough. :P Here’s another one…

    It’s like how you are complaining about my blog entry (free) in the comments section (free) of my blog (free). By your logic, there’s nothing on this website that you can complain about, since I don’t charge you anything. :)



  46. Lance McCloud says:

    @ Serenade
    I wasn’t targeting that directly at him as much as toward people that complain about fansubs in general. I will probably watch his fansubs from now on as they should be much better. You see, thats the think I can do here instead of complaining, just get fansubs from another group.

    @ DarkMirage
    You are still biting Sunrise’s hand by making fansubs for their anime though, considering how protective they are of their work and all. But you are in deed correct that I cant complain about your blog. I can give you constructive criticism on the other hand, something that is completely different from from one another. I still have the option to not read it (and I have in fact only read this one entry) but why complain about something when its free and done for the (supposed anyway) user or in this case the reader. This is especially true with something like fansubs, that are not only free, but also illegal. I’m just sick and tired of the mentality among anime fans that “Anime should be free and I should not have to pay” and “I want my anime here, now, in the highest quality and with the best translation” without really thinking about supporting the oficial release that has this, only that it isn’t here as soon as the show aired in japan and they have to pay for it. For another stupid analogy, you cant eat the cake and also save it for later. Unless of course you steal another cake to eat before you buy a better one later.

  47. Seraphim says:

    Just because something is free doesn’t mean you shouldn’t complain if it’s decietful. Tricking people into downloading something which you claim is a translation but is in fact more like fan-fiction is decietful and wrong. DM is pointing out to everyone who would download Nyoro that you are infact ingesting poison when there is plenty of cake out there like Medoi-conclave and Anonymous.

  48. DarkMirage says:

    Lance McCloud:

    In that case, our views on fansubbing coincides.

    I don’t know from which part of the above post did you extrapolate that I think I have a right to download fansubs for free. I know that I don’t and I have expressed that many times before in words.

    You don’t think that my criticisms are constructive? It’s not like I typed “Nyoro~n sucks zomg LOL” and left it as that. I pointed out specific errors and show you why they are wrong.

    And you missed a very important point.

    You can choose to stop reading my blog because you can understand what I am saying and if you think I am an idiot, then there’s no reason why you should continue to waste your time on this blog.

    But most people who watch Nyoro~n never knew how bad the “translation” was. Is it really fair for them? Can you really say that they are making a choice based on their free will when they don’t even know what is it that they have chosen?

    No one has any right to complain because Nyoro~n is doing it for free? Nonsense.

  49. CactusAvenue says:

    I agree DarkMirage, fansubbers still have to do a good job even if they’re doing it for free, otherwise it will deal more harm to the people they’re trying to serve.

    Anyway thanks for posting this, now that I know there’re people subbing anime who’ve just completed 4 weeks of Japanese class and know nuts about the language.

    I didn’t know that people who are guessing half of the story in their subs are even releasing it on the internet for people to watch. I pity crunchyroll and veoh hoggers.

  50. Hayate-kun says:

    People need to start reading the whole post before they comment and prove themselves stupid.

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