Gundam 00

This is hands down the most boring episode so far. Maybe next episode will be more exciting when Marina and Setsuna die in a fiery plane crash. I’m so hungry and sleepy.


Gundam 00
*insert Power Ranger joke*

Celestial Being pays a visit to Kataron’s top secret base for no good reason. They could’ve handed Marina over to Shirin in episode 4 when they met on an island for no good reason, but for some reason they really wanted to visit Kataron only to leave without doing anything in particular other than exchange hellos.

Gundam 00
He forgot to tiptoe

Oh right. I guess they also wanted to dump Saji on Kataron. I totally forgot about that guy. Saji decides that he doesn’t want to stick around a bunch of underground al-Qaeda losers and escapes from the top secret base by telling the lone guard he has to go pee. Houdini-level brilliance.

Gundam 00
Makes you wonder what’s on the guy’s face

Of course he gets captured by the Feds and it’s not long before A-LOLS shows up at Kataron’s well-concealed super top secret base. If only they had locked their front door…

Gundam 00
I wonder what he ate for dinner

A-LOLS sends in the heavy firepower in the form of killer robot poop. A ton of people die and some things get blown up. I don’t really care. Soma is all emo because people die. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s that time of the month. She’s totally infatuated with Sergei.

Gundam 00

Saji is all emo because he has turned into the very thing he despises (how surprisingly ironic), so he’s well on his way to wearing a mask and becoming the dark sith lord.


I have only one thing I want to talk about. Why is everyone over-reacting to the fact that A-LOLS uses automatons to kill people? Allelujah says it’s because the people who use automatons do not feel the weight of the trigger being pulled and thus do not have to live with the sin of killing with their own hands, but that’s just wtf.

Someone had to push the button to deploy the killbots, right? Isn’t that pretty much the same as pulling the trigger to fire guided missiles?

Gundam 00
I’m pretty sure they used the same 3D isometric tool Utawarerumono uses

And would it really have been better if A-LOLS had blown the whole base up with artillery fire or missiles instead of sending lame Tachikoma rip-offs?

Well I’m going to keep this entry short because my exams just started today so I should really do something about that.


Gundam 00
Either she’s really small or the people are huge

Gundam 00
“I am an emotionless PR robot”

Gundam 00
His/her parents must have hated him/her

Gundam 00
Sound structural support

Gundam 00
“You’re not the boss of me!”

Gundam 00
I wonder what is happening below the camera focus

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Maybe they will end up together

Gundam 00
The mask doesn’t even cover his scars right

Gundam 00
Always take candies from strangers

Gundam 00
Hurray! Let’s take photos in our top secret base and mail our friends

Gundam 00
They are off on a honeymoon

Gundam 00

Gundam 00
She’s getting 5 seconds every episode until she dies in episode 24

Gundam 00
It’s not a window

Gundam 00
Tribal warfare

Gundam 00

Gundam 00
Sakura Taisen: Azadistan wa Moeteiru ka?

Gundam 00
He killed his therapist and broke out of the nuthouse

I wonder if GN particles can induce something similar to the photoelectric effect. Are they massless radiation or particles anyway?

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