I’m dead tired. I spent the whole of Friday and Saturday directing traffic for this silly parade thing and reached home at 1am for two consecutive nights, and I didn’t even get to see the parade. Sigh.

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Episode 19 is pretty damn boring and the only high point is the new insert song LOVE TODAY by Taja. But meh, I guess at least the Trinitys didn’t talk too much.


Setsuna almost gets pwned by the Fangs. Tieria and Lockon comes to aid Setsuna against the Thrones.

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The Trinity siblings realized the fatal flaw in their docking system

Tieria unleashes Nadleeh’s secret power: the ability to control any mobile suit that is linked to Veda. I don’t understand why the Thrones are linked to Veda and I don’t understand what good is such a hidden ability except to fight against other Gundams, but whatever. He knocks Eins and Drei out, but the system fails before he gets to deliver the final blow. Apparently the hacking done on Veda somehow affected Nadleeh.

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It’s not that Nadleeh’s secret system is particularly effective…

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They are just momentarily shocked by the crimson long hair, that’s all

The battle ends in a boring draw. Before retreating, Johann tells Lockon that Setsuna’s real name is Soran Ibrahim and he was once a member of the KPSA, a Kurdish anti-government guerilla group that was responsible for the suicide bombing that killed Lockon’s family.

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Setsuna lost his left eye during the battle

Louise tells Saji to go back to Japan because she knows that their relationship cannot last, and she wants Saji to achieve his dream of working in space. *Cues emo insert song*

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“Goodbye Saji… I’ll miss you.”

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“My ring… :(“

Frankly I think this plot development is way too extreme considering she only lost her left hand. It’s not like she’s paralysed waist-down and horribly disfigured or something…

Kinue traces the name Ragna to Ragna Harvey, the president of the Linear Train Enterprise. Apparently he is also a major stockholder of JNN. Unconcerned about the prospects of losing her job, she presses on with the investigation.

In face of the overwhelming power of seven Gundams, the various world leaders are on the brink of giving in to Celestial Being’s demands of disarmament, that is until they are secretly contacted by an unknown entity from within Celestial Being, a rat if you will.

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“So you’re Kurdish? WTF I thought you were Japanese!”

Lockon and Setsuna have a small one-on-one emo talk with Tieria acting as the third party. Lockon takes out a gun and melodramatically waves it around in front of Setsuna, while delivering some of the most clichéd and uninspired dialogue lines ever. I find Lockon’s reaction to his discovery of Setsuna’s real identity to be pretty illogical.

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“I am Gundam. There is no God. I can’t believe I just summed up my entire life story in two sentences.”

Also, why was Ireland attacked by a Kurdish terrorist group? I thought the whole point of Lockon’s Irish heritage was to link him to Ireland’s centuries-long religious conflict between Protestants and Catholics, which has nothing to do with any disputes between Shiites and Kurds. It’s almost as if Sunrise decided to treat all terrorists as one monolithic plot device to be used whenever it is convenient.

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Down the rabbit hole

Anyway the episode ends with a bunch of Union, HRL and AEU military personals entering a secret facility in Antartica, to be greeted with what appears to be a crap load of solar furnaces. Gasp! Gundams for everyone!

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The mother load


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Ready! Fight!

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Tieria misses his target

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Preparing for a colonoscopy. “Nurse, get me my gloves.”

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Liu Mei is one of the bad guys now :(

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“Maybe I should have asked for a necklace instead.”

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“Nice to meet you, Saji. Please make babies with me!”

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“Stupid humans.”

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“No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die.”

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Relativity at work

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They don’t look like Gundams to me

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The fine art of stereotyping perfected

I scored 2310 for my first SAT! Woot!

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