This is one predictable episode. I mean, the title “Broken Wings” pretty much spoils any element of suspense that Sunrise’s scriptwriters can possibly muster, assuming they try at all.

Gundam 00

So yeah, the Gundams all get owned in a spectacular fashion, clearing the way for newer and better Gundams to take over the mess. G00, like most recent Gundams, is really just a series of 25-minute weekly commercials promoting Gunpla.

Also, Liu Mei in se-ra-fuku. :O

Episode Summary

Gundam 00

The HRL chose Taklamakan for the location of the military exercise because it has information that terrorists are planning to attack its enriched uranium facility there, ergo Celestial Being has to go there to stop the terrorists. This utterly makes no sense because the combined might of the entire world’s armies is going to be there, and I don’t think there are any terrorists stupid enough to mount an attack under such circumstances.

Gundam 00

Nevertheless, we have three mobile suits and three cute little trucks conducting a head-on suicide attack while the entire world’s armies try hard to act blind and pretend to not notice. As storyline goes, this is as contrived a plot as it gets. Any more and we will have to invent a new word to describe it.

Gundam 00

And what’s even stupider is that Celestial Being actually takes the bait and sends four measly Gundams to destroy a small group of terrorists in the middle of a desert crawling with nearly one thousand Union, AEU and HRL mobile suits. I mean, seriously? I’m sure HRL would’ve taken care of the terrorists on their own if they realized that the Gundams weren’t going to show up after all.

Gundam 00
If only Virtue could fly

Gundam 00
Allelujah didn’t do much

Gundam 00
Lockon should watch his back around Graham…

So anyway, the Gundams all get pwned after this. Kyrios is captured by the HRL, Virtue by the AEU and Dynames by the Union. Exia almost fell to the French thanks to Ali’s new mobile armor, but a timely deus ex machina intervention by one of those new Throne Gundams saves Setsuna’s day.

Gundam 00
Enact is backwards compatible with a Solar Conflict relic

Gundam 00
God is here


Gundam 00
Whiny bitch

Gundam 00
Obligatory airtime

Gundam 00
Kyrios and Dynames mating

Gundam 00
The new bitch

Gundam 00
“They should really keep me informed beforehand about these traps.”

Gundam 00
“Hold steady damn it!”

Gundam 00
Dynames cheating on Kyrios with a Realdo

Gundam 00
“We totally didn’t notice this huge row of Tierens as we rushed into this obvious trap.”

Gundam 00
“Nope, didn’t notice these either.”

Gundam 00
Man, Realdos look lame

Gundam 00
“If my calculations are correct, we should be completely pwned by now.”

Gundam 00
Is that her school uniform?

Gundam 00
GN bazooka in burst mode

Gundam 00
The perfect desert camouflage

Gundam 00
“I will make you a man.” Actual quotation

Gundam 00
The design makes no sense

By the way, Mendoi-Conclave’s episode 14 is super delayed because we are still finishing up the karaoke effects. Personally I don’t really care that much about karaoke, but I’m not the one making the decisions. It should be out soon together with episode 15. (Our new tracker is here.)


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