Here’s your daily dosage of “WTF everything I hold to be true and dear in this reality has been torn apart and disintegrated.” Angel’s Tale from StudioGU is a bishoujo game made in Thailand. Yes, the one in Southeast Asia.

Angel’s Tale

Uh, I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t exactly associate Thailand with bishoujo games. Although Kotaku says that this game is ero, I don’t see anything that supports this claim. (And Kotaku is generally wrong about otaku-related stuff anyway, despite its namesake.) But I can’t say for sure either way since I can’t read Thai to save my life.

Promo and gameplay videos embedded after the break.

Promo video
Gameplay video

Judging from the videos, the quality of the game looks to be on par with most doujin releases. It actually looks not bad on the whole. StudioGU just needs to get the game some voice overs and it will be all set for prime time! (Probably.)

Come on guys, Singapore needs to invest in this emerging market too. It has great growth potential. (I can offer my “professional” service as a story writer.)

[ Source: Angel’s Tale via Kotaku ]

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