Things like this piss me off. Japanese National Police Agency’s New Law against “Manga, Anime, Game Expression”

Today, I got an email from a Japanese creator, letting us know about the new law currently being discussed to be applied by Japanese National Police Agency. This is a law to restrict expression of Manga, Anime, Game, that are:
# Image that show sexual expression of characters that appears to be under 18.
(Ex: The character does not have under hair, or character appears to be an under 18 school age child.)
# Image that show characters appears or seems to be under age, that are engaging in sexual act weather or not if genital part is censored.

My thoughts after the jump.

First of all, I hate lolicon art. I absolutely hate them. But I am firmly against this form of censorship.

Child porn is bad because it harms children, but what harm can drawings do? It is absolutely true to say that many pedophiles probably like to view lolicon material, but that’s not what turned them into pedophiles in the first place. They are pedophiles because they are mentally fucked-up, not because of some pornographic drawings.

Correlation does NOT equal causation.

Millions of people play video games. Some of them are serial killers.

Millions of people watch television. Some of them are serial killers.

Millions of people eat ice-cream. Some of them are serial killers.

Just because serial killers play violent video games, watch television and enjoy ice-cream doesn’t make any of those things the cause of their violent nature.

Similarly, just because pedophiles read loli manga doesn’t mean that loli manga turns normal well-adjusted people into child molesters. It may seem very logical to conclude that a person who enjoys loli material will naturally turn into a pedophile, but there is simply nothing to support that hypothesis.

As such, those who advocate censorship have no justication for censorship other than the fact that they hate lolicon art.

Well, I hate lolicon art too. But then again, I also hate a lot of other things that people like to do. I hate idiots who want to censor everything that is different from themselves, for example. There are people who hate homosexuality. There are people who hate Christianity. But as long as they do no harm to anyone, who are we to enforce our preference upon others?

The rights of the minority must be protected, unless harm is done to the rest of society. When the majority seeks to enforce its views on the minority without justification beyond a matter of preference, then those people are no better than Adolf Hitler.

In conclusion, let the stupid lolicons fap to their loli-pr0n and shut the fuck up.

That said, if anyone can produce any convincing evidence that lolicon art is responsible for causing people (who are not already pedophiles) to molest children, then go ahead and ban the thing. Good luck though, the fundamentalist nutcases in America are still having a tough time doing the exact same thing for violent video games.

Either way it doesn’t concern me. Lolicon is crap.

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