Went out with Crest and Shia today and ended up buying RAH DX Lacus Clyne.

Lacus-sama!!!!Lacus from SEED Heroine trading figure series shown for scale

I had been searching for a place to order this from since I first saw a picture of it last year. The stores I frequent were all taking orders for the complete set, which includes Stellar (yay) and Yzak (yuck). I wouldn’t have minded getting a third Stellar (I already own two 1/8 Stellar from the DX series) but paying another S$60~ for Yzak was just too much. So it seemed that I would never get my hands on this… until I saw it in this relatively new (nearly one-year old?) store at the fifth floor of Funan for S$65 standalone. They even had the Fate/Stay Night trading figure set but there was only one Saber left and I let Crest have it.

Yay~ Lacus forever! I think I’ll be going to Funan more oftenly from now on.

P.S. I love Suzuka Vol.10!

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