According to PS3 Updates, America, Japan and East Asia will share the same region code for Blu-Ray.

Here is some Christmas Day good news for you! IT Media has announced some details on the Blu-Ray region coding and it holds a nice surprise. Japan, North America, and East Asia will all be sharing one region code. This potentially means that American gamers will be able to import Japanese PS3 Blu-Ray games, and will definately be able to import Japanese Blu-Ray Anime/Movie titles without any hassle. Europe unfortunately will be sharing a region code with Africa so likely not much cross-gaming there. Sorry Europe, looks like you will be getting the gaming bone again. Oh and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all from all of us here at GR!

Depending on their definition of “East Asia”, this could be a good thing for Singapore. ^^ No need for modchips for play any import PS3 games that matter. Europe, which has the same DVD region code as Japan, has been shafted this time round.

I can’t seem to find the original source article on IT Media, but if this is true, it could seal the deal for PS3. (Well, except in Europe…)

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