Pffft. Who cares about Gmail invitations anymore. I received an commenter invitation after much begging for the Gawker Media network, which includes blogs like Lifehacker, Gizmodo and Kotaku.

You’re invited to sign up for Gizmodo Comments. It’s as easy as clicking on the personal invitation URL below.

Not interested, or already signed up? Pass the invitation along to a friend. Just forward this email. (Each invitation link works only once.)

Click this link (or paste into a browser) to accept the invitation:

Once you’ve registered — which takes about 30 seconds — you’ll be able to post comments on all Gawker Media blogs that allow comments. If you wish to remain anonymous, use a pseudonym as your screenname.

Actually, it’s not so exclusive anymore. They are giving away invitations like train station pamplets. Heck, I received two of them. I guess they realized that a comment system limited to an exclusive few is a really boring place.

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