Finally, the longest week I’ve ever gone through is over. Three days of camping plus two days of talks and one night of Japanese lesson. もうダメだ。_| ̄|O

Anyway, here’s a quick lowdown of the second day of Macromedia MAX 2005 Singapore. The speakers today were Jeremy Clark, Macromedia Flash Product Manager, Jared Tarbell of Levitated and Gallery of Computation, Mario Klingemann and Yugo Nakamura

Mr. Tarbell’s presentation on simulating organic behaviours using simple recursive object coding was very interesting. He programs on-screen objects to move according to preset rules with an inherent random factor and creates very artistic patterns with them. One of my favourite examples is the Lorenz Attractor.

Nakamura-san’s presentation is my personal favourite. The websites he designed are just on a completely different level from most Flash sites I’ve seen. Just take a look at some of his work, like Amaztype, Fotologue and Amana, and you’ll see what I mean. The new Japanese Xbox360 promotional site, Jump-in, was also created by him.

The rest of the presentations were meh.

I did manage to speak to Marcos Weskamp (my favourite speaker from yesterday) and ask him about studying in Tokyo. Apparently he choose Japan only because of a scholarship offered by the Japanese embassy. He went there without speaking a word of Japanese and took one year of preparation before actually attending lectures at university, where he was the only foreigner. Also, he only took JLPT up to level 2.

Trust me to ask about such things in the middle of a Macromedia conference.

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