Video of an XO-1.75 Directly Running Off a 10W Solar Panel


Resumen en español al final del artículo

Earlier this week Chris Ball (OLPC Foundation's Lead Software Engineer) posted a great video of Richard Smith (OLPC Foundation's Director of Embedded Engineering) demonstrating an ARM-based XO-1.75 laptop running directly off a 10W solar panel. And before you ask, yes, they did remove the battery of the laptop to show that it's indeed only powered by the sun.

This video certainly makes a great demonstration of what Richard previously said about the XO-1.75's reduced power-consumption and versatility when it comes to accepting alternative charging solutions. These improvements should make solutions such as the massive solar power deploymenty by IIT, Green Wifi, and OLPC in Haiti quite a bit easier to implement.

If you're interested in more details about the power consumption and charging requirements for the XO-1.75 as well as the much-discussed XO 3.0 tablet (which uses almost the same hardware) then I'd also recommend you to read Richard Smith's extensive e-mail update from earlier in the week.

Resumen en español: En un video de OLPC Foundation en Boston se muestra una XO-1.75 (basada en la plataforma ARM) que se alimenta exclusivamente de un panel solar de 10W. Esto sirve como una demostración muy buena de la reducción del consumo de energia de la nueva generación de XO y su flexibilidad en cuanto a aceptar soluciones alternativas de carga.


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I recently purchased an XO-1 on Ebay that works great. Considering I don't use it often, does anyone think it could be fully powered (without a backup battery) by the solar panel shown in the video on somewhat-sunny day even though it uses 8 watts.

Hey Will, I can't give you an answer here but I'm sure the fine folks over on OLPC's developer mailing-list ( can.

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