OLPC Rwanda is now the largest non-South American deployment in the world

XO in rwanda
100,000 OLPC laptop smiles

Congratulations to OLPC Rwanda for reaching an amazing milestone - the largest XO laptop deployment outside of South America! This is according to the Rwandan National OLPC Coordinator at the Ministry, Nkubito Bakuramutsa, who says that in addition to the 65,000 laptops already deployed:

"More schools are being targeted as the government has now received an additional 35,000 laptops with 32,000 featuring the latest the XO 1.5 version. This should correspond to an extra 70 schools that should be enabled with the program," he explained. "This effectively places Rwanda as the largest OLPC deployment out of South America".

With 100,000 XO laptops deployed, OLPC Rwanda can now join Uruguay and Peru in the top three XO deployments worldwide.


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