Little Black Book Donation Bribery for OLPC


For being the destination site for creatives, by creatives, Little Black Book has launched a decidedly un-creative way to get new dining and hotel reviews into their database - donation bribery. In exchange for the fiercely competitive advertising industry insiders to reveal their favorite, hereto unknown restaurant or hotel to arch rivals ad execs, LBB will donate 1£ to One Laptop Per Child.

Oh and they made this video, which they pre-determined as "viral" to promote their dime-a-dozen idea:

As you can tell, I am not impressed. With all the creative genius of the guys in this video, that's the best they can come up with - edited monologues? I would have hoped for at least a zoom or pan. And marketing zing worthy of the program that brought us game-changing ideas like "$100 laptop", Give One Get One, and the XO itself.

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In the OLPC Overivew, I calculated from all the numbers floating about that One Laptop Per Child has shipped a cumulative 750,000 XO laptops worldwide through March 2009... [more]



We spend over 15 minutes and then they give 1 UK Pound to OLPC!

Who would rely on LBB anyway? Their web site looks to be last updated in Feb. 2009 and just shows 3 dates they added more news items!

Yeah... great job guys, you exposed someone raising money for kids.

Do you write articles that aren't negative?

Really, what a shame. They should stop giving stuff to kids immediately. In fact, metrosexual police should shut them down for not having a pan in the video.

Hi Guys,

This looks like a scam to me!

Here's a quote from their web site:

"Best of all, you can help educate poor children around the world by making your own recommendations. LBB will donate one pound for each of the first 20,000 new recommendations we accept to One Laptop per Child (to find out more about this charity, visit"

Notice the bogus URL that does not link to OLPC.

I suggest you take this whole article and link off OLPCNews.


Greg S

Its not a scam, just a sloppy, half-assed attempt at getting press by grabbing onto OLPC's coat-tails. It reminds me of Esperanto on the OLPC.

Dear Sir,
I hereby write to seek your kind Donation of Books and other study materials from your Department and members of your Faculty . As the Dean of my School at the Royal College Of Science & Technology, I feel challenged by what I call acute shortage of reading Materials (Books) for both our students and Faculty Staff. Our College is a Co-Educated Model University sponsored by State Government The College for sometime now has been experiencing neglet,lack of care and sponsorship by by the Government and all the Authorities concerned and I feel the only way we can keep going is by soliciting for Donation of Textbooks in various fields of Studies such as in Arts, Social sciences, Sciences, Engineering, medicine,Technical and vocational studies,Dictionaries,Encyclopeadia,Tapes and FAIRLY used Laptop computers,Table Top Computers, Projectors, VCR Recorders, Audio visual aid and other learning materials such as SAT, GRE, GMAT,TOEFL and other Professional Examination Pack for our ever increasing Students which has grown to an astronomical heights and population in the School .These Books and materials would be used by the entire Students and the Faculty Staff of our College.Please we NEED Books that are less than ten or twenty (10 or 20) years old.We will be very grateful if our request would granted by you .While we remain,
we look forward to favourable reply by you.
Dr M.C. Chibuzor, Dean,
Royal College of Science & Technology
College Park , PO Box 74961
Victoria Island , 101007-74961Lagos ,
Tel;+ 234 805 898 5899
Fax; + 2341 791 2869
E-mail;[email protected]
E-mail:[email protected]
Please we would appreciate your Organizing a Book drive for our college Libraries.

Dr M.C. Chibuzoe,

I am an American Prince and have inherited over $1,000,000 of old textbooks. Unfortunately they have become tied up in customs. If you can send a money order for $10,000 USD I will be able to get these textbooks released from customs and shipped to you! Once I get confirmation they are delivered, I will be able to get a tax credit to cover the customs charge, and refund you right away!

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