miina tsukishiro – Ramblings of DarkMirage http://2pwn.tk/websites/www.darkmirage.com Anime, Games, J-Pop and Whatever Else Sun, 11 Feb 2007 16:13:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.7.2 Resin Kit Building Project — Day 2 http://2pwn.tk/websites/www.darkmirage.com/2007/02/07/resin-kit-building-project-day-2/ http://2pwn.tk/websites/www.darkmirage.com/2007/02/07/resin-kit-building-project-day-2/#comments Wed, 07 Feb 2007 14:01:18 +0000 http://2pwn.tk/websites/www.darkmirage.com/2007/02/07/resin-kit-building-project-day-2/ Continue reading ]]> Wow, I really took a lot longer than expected to make this post. ORZ. Between Rainbow Six: Las Vegas, weekend otaku gatherings and school, my life has been really occupied recently. And I haven’t even started on my school work. I am living life to the fullest! Yay! (Although I really want to go back to World of Warcraft with Burning Crusade right now)


So anyway, Day 2 of my grand project to build Miina! In Day 1, I sandpapered the hell out of everything. Now it’s time to apply the primer!

Day 1
Day 2

What is a primer? This is a primer!


It looks like a can of mace except that it’s not. Although I’m sure it will hurt if you spray it into someone’s eyes. Basically the primer is a coat of chemicals that make the surface of the material easier to paint. Paint sticks better to the primer coat than to plastic or metal surface. The primer also provides a uniform base colour for easier painting.

But first, you have to drill holes into all the pieces and stick unbent paper clips into them so that you can have a grip for holding the parts when you spray the primer onto them.


Here’s a cool picture of a box of paper clips because I don’t have a drill with me. Cooool. Anyway, the holes are drilled in places that will not be visible in the final completed figurine, unless you happen to like holes in your figurines’ chests. You sick bastard.

Using the paper-clip rod thingies that are now attached to the parts, you can stick all of them into a piece of styroform or something because after you spray the primer you don’t want them to touch any surfaces. It makes you look like you know what you are doing.


And finally, you spray the shite out of every piece with the primer. Shake well until you feel an endothermic reaction taking place before spraying. Shaking the primer can makes you look cool and professional so be sure to do it in front of other people, especially those belonging to the opposite gender.


It’s important to achieve an even coating because you are just begging for more sandpapering otherwise. Don’t stand facing the wind while spraying or you might get primed too. Spray in short and quick bursts. Wear a glove on your offhand that is holding the part if your paper-clip rod thingies aren’t long enough to keep it out of the field of fire.


If you don’t manage to achieve an even coating or if you have air bubbles trapped under the primer, then throw the parts away and commit seppuku for being an idiot. I am of course kidding. As you can see, I am still alive. There’s no need to panic, make sure you don’t try to fix the problem by spraying even more primer onto the areas affected because that’s like stabbing yourself a hundred times to cover up a bullet wound. Instead, wait for the primer to dry…


After the primer is dry, it’s sandpapering time again. Sandpaper is fun. It’s Japan’s national pastime. Sandpaper until everything is smooth and even again. Don’t be (too) concerned if some areas are now left without a primer coating. It’s perfectly fine (for a n00b first timer who sucks a lot). Just remember, even Bill Gates started off from sandpapering.

So anyway, that’s all for Day 2. Isn’t primer so much fun? It’s almost as awesome as sandpaper! Next week arbitrary time lapse, we will talk about paint and airbrushing! It’s not as much fun as sandpapering, but hey, we will finally get to see some colours!

http://2pwn.tk/websites/www.darkmirage.com/2007/02/07/resin-kit-building-project-day-2/feed/ 11
Resin Kit Building Project — Day 1 http://2pwn.tk/websites/www.darkmirage.com/2007/01/14/resin-kit-building-project-day-1/ http://2pwn.tk/websites/www.darkmirage.com/2007/01/14/resin-kit-building-project-day-1/#comments Sat, 13 Jan 2007 16:04:02 +0000 http://2pwn.tk/websites/www.darkmirage.com/2007/01/14/resin-kit-building-project-day-1/ Continue reading ]]> I spent the whole day sandpapering. My hands hurt.


I have started taking a garage kit building course at XenoHobby. Today was the first lesson. I will post weekly updates here after every lesson.

Day 1
Day 2

The kit I have chosen is Miina Tsukishiro from Getsumento Heiki Miina which spun off from the live action Densha Otoko series and based on the legendary Daicon videos made by the people that would go on to form Gainax. But whatever, it’s a cute girl with two ginormous carrots, alright?

Anyway, first you take all the parts out of the box (duh) and then compare it to the included part list. If any part is missing, cry and give up. Then it’s time for the most exciting part of building a resin figurine: cutting off the flash and sandpapering the hell out of everything until it’s so smooth that it slides out of your hands.

Example of a flash:


The piece above is from a different kit (I’m sure you recognize it), since I have already sandpapered the hell out of Miina and her carrots. (Kinky.)

Remember what I said about this being the most exciting part of assembling a resin kit? I lied. It sucks completely. In fact, prisoners at Guantanamo are often forced to sandpaper resin figurines until they cry and confess. It’s more effective than waterboarding.

I used two grades of sandpaper, 240C and 600C. The higher the number the finer the grain. Since I’m lazy, I tend to stick to the 240C one because it’s much faster…which is probably a bad idea since it’s rougher and destroys details more easily. Oh well.


There they are, all smooth and…white. And that’s all I did for the first lesson. This could take longer than I expected…

But at least I am another step closer to building my own customized Haruhi Bunny. :3

Check back for the second update soon (i.e. one week from now). It’ll be about…uh…I forgot to ask. Oh well, I’m sure whatever it is, it’ll be more exciting than sandpaper. :)

P.S. My lessons are tentatively every Saturday afternoon at XenoHobby’s South Bridge Road location (Tel: 65323850). The course costs S$50 including use of tools but excluding materials and kit. Come join me!

http://2pwn.tk/websites/www.darkmirage.com/2007/01/14/resin-kit-building-project-day-1/feed/ 24