Comments on: Why save dolphins? Anime, Games, J-Pop and Whatever Else Thu, 09 Dec 2010 05:00:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kristen Thu, 09 Dec 2010 05:00:40 +0000 Wow this article is the worst thing I have ever read in my life. I really hope for the people out there that think there is nothing wrong with this, that one day someone comes to your house and kills your family in front of your face and sells their meat to a local grocery store. Then cart YOU off to some 8×10 room with a big window that never looks outside, and makes you live in there for the rest of your life, with only a few toys and maybe one other person to talk to. Then when they want you to act crazy or do cool tricks, they wont feed you breakfast or lunch and force you to do cool things for a meal.

p.s. I really don’t hope that anyone kills anyone’s family, but I’m only trying to make a point. Also I really hope none of you are Jewish that think there’s nothing wrong with these Japanese fishing hunts or whatever they’re called. Because you’re basically saying that you can understand why the Nazi’s did what they did to your family… (why not, humans aren’t endangered)

By: jeffrey Mon, 06 Dec 2010 00:37:20 +0000 hahahhahaha kinsey i dont know you but i really like your comment hahaha

By: jeffrey Mon, 06 Dec 2010 00:36:09 +0000 sucks for japan though, fishing is really their only national buisness, well that and some pretty kick ass swords

By: jeffrey Mon, 06 Dec 2010 00:32:20 +0000 we object to the slaughter of whales and dolphins because we dont eat the meat. its that simple. practically no one DOES eat the meat. so we cant figure out why people would slaughter thousands of a species to supply food to people who dont want it. also this food is in many cases toxic to our bodies. THAT is why we object to the killing of polar bears grizzlys gorillas etc. it is not needed.
and it is our fault.

this is inversely why the killing of cows and chickens is acceptable. they are raised to be killed, billions of them are raised to be killed. it IS needed because there is a huge demand for the meat. no one likes or often eats dolphin meat. have you?

oh, and complaining about too much media attention on a subject, implying we are somehow hipocryts is A TERRIBLE argument. as i have thus explained. complaining about the rain never made it go away, i say this because it is raining and its a nice metaphore

By: kinsy Mon, 30 Aug 2010 04:42:05 +0000 I think something completely missed is the overpopulation of one or more countries and or the resources required for this. Dolphins/whales are not a sustainable food source. Moreover, foolishly comparing dolphins to other animals on “cuteness” is simply ignorant. Countries supporting the slaughter of such animals use reasons that state dolphins “over-fish.” Well, in actuality humans are doing the over-fishing. Particularly a few countries whose entire livelihood relies on such practices claim to be using scientific research as a cloak or justification for whaling. I find this disguise disgusting. Moreover, you can’t compare the life saving capability of a dolphin to a cow or a horse (for purely our domestication of it). Dolphins that have been documented saving lives on their own in the wild. I think a little respect should be paid to such creatures (apex predators even) who made some sort of conscious effort to do so. Such a comparison to cows and horses can be made, but with this argument ANY food source saves life. That is purely ridiculous at best. Finally, it is true that pigs and cows are slaughtered. It is also true that the pig is one of the most intelligent animals (at least on par with the domesticated dog or cat). However, pig meat is not riddled with high contents of mercury. The pig also has a healthy population and is a sustainable resource. Finally, many countries that hunt whales/dolphins don’t have a high demand for the meat. It is not only mercury heavy (hint- bad for the brain – in case you didn’t know), it is also used for entertainment purposes. So you can watch flipper and then eat him for dinner. How gratifying and empowering?! I think the entire idea is disgusting and ironic. The justification for eating whales/dolphins is just ridiculous to me.. So, cows, pigs, fish, duck, geese etc etc is not enough of a variety of food sources? We are the smartest and most tyrannical species of them all. Sadly, we are “better” than all other organisms.

By: berz Sat, 10 Apr 2010 02:48:39 +0000 and so, because of “that” movie, here i am, looking at this topic because i came to the same conclusion as DM.

ok, so dolphins are cute. cows are godly for the hindu. …

i do understand that theres a lot of dolphins around and ‘oh they`re not on verge of extinction’ so… well i also heard australia is into killing cats, they also kill a lot of cute rabbits(or so i’ve heard long ago).. but oh wait, they are not sea mamals, so no sea shepard..

maybe in 10 years when they cant milk more money from the sea.. will they open the earth shepard too?

oh well i rly just wanted to write a bit about it, thanks DM, for seeing this pov way long before me XD

oohhh, also sorry i digged this out from the grave but some stuff about dolphins showed up here recently XDD

By: Andrew Koh Tue, 16 Mar 2010 05:09:24 +0000 Dont be so …….cruel……and comparing dolphins with home reared poultry…..chicken,cows and sheep……!!!!!!NAIVE …..stubborn….
just want to go opposite of what majority are thinking!!!!Friend Dolphins save lives!!!!!!!!
Dolphins rescue surfer from shark – People: Tales of survival

They dont deserve to me hunted down and killed by those violent japs….following some silly and curel heritage and custom…the have the sea of fishes….but just want to kill dolphins…..that their violent nature…..that runs in their blood!!!!!
The cove sea area turn into a huge patch of “Red Sea” ,Dolphins are harmless whales which are been lure to the cove and being wipe up!!!
Very Cruel and Sad ,reminds me of what happen during Japan Dormination of Singapore ,I’m being told by my mum ,Japs will rape any woman before they were married on their day of marriage! And ask people digging thier grave before the were exterminated!!!
Very Very Evil and Cruel !
Their cruelity really runs in some of their desendants blood!!!! But I’m not saying all the japs are bad people!!!Only the extreme ones!!!

Andrew Koh

By: dhart Sun, 09 Aug 2009 07:18:25 +0000 No animal deserve to be treated inhumanely! Remember this is not a debate of which animal serves a higher purpose. Animals in general are being tortured unecessarily for whatever purpose. In this case our concern is the japanese commiting needless vicious killings in massive numbers of dolphins and whales. We need these animals and they need us to care and help them. As far as the japenese comparing (justifyng)dolphin killing to cow slaughtering. Yes both can be out right brutal, however beef is one of the main proteins consumed all over the world with few exceptions. This does not justify cruel slaughtering of the cow they also should be treated with respect upon death. Dolphins on the other hand are not eaten all over the world in fact they may have the highest levels of mercury in marine animals, due to metal contaminates from polutions of various sources thanks to man.Therefor you would be poisoning yourself if you consume them. So now we know that these killings are for other purposes that are cruel and unecessary. Such as oil, bait for king crab,chicken feed etc… and many killed dolphins just waisted. Not to mention how they’re sold to marine parks where they’re trapped in captivity and are miserable and constantly die. All animals deserve to be respected and we all know when that fine line is being crossed. Stop IT!!!!!!! I want to help.

By: Jenster Tue, 28 Apr 2009 06:57:29 +0000 I am pretty damn sure that most of you guys have pets…
a dog or a cat..
and that dog or cat can save your ass someday if your in danger..
Dolphins save peoples lives, So think about this..
would you eat your dog or cat????
hell no right…
i am pretty sure japanese people eat dogs too.

By: weirdfishes Mon, 30 Mar 2009 06:11:51 +0000 this was an excellent read, it’s so satisfying to see someone casually and eloquently put down a foolish, attention-seeking celebrity who’s hiding under the umbrella of “awareness”.

as for the commenters arguing about why its okay to eat cows and not okay to eat dolphins… I’ll call bullshit. If an animal isn’t endangered, it’s game. It’s only a matter of preference and self-etiquette on which one would like to eat or not but I don’t think humans have the right to decide which animal isn’t fit for somebody else’s consumption.

Americans in particular have a very limited scope of experience as to which animals can be considered food or cooking materials. After all.. some parts of the rest of the world have been cooking for hundreds and hundreds of years with richer herbs and spices.

Animal cruelty is another different topic, while I think animals can be food, I don’t think we should inflict pain and abuse animals. Like I said, that’s an entirely different topic though, it’s not even part of the discussion here since it’s not like the fishermen tortured these fishes.
