A Good One Laptop Per Child at Good Hotel, San Francisco

good hotel xo laptop display
A good XO laptop display

What does “good” mean to you? For some tourists, the word may inspire visions of a warm bed in a funky hotel. Others may think of cheap rates and a good location, near to everything you could want in an "urban experience". Or, maybe your mission isn’t to save the world, you just want to see an XO laptop in the wild.

If "good" means any of this to you, then check out the Good Hotel at Mission and 7th Street in San Francisco. There, the Joie de Vivre hoteliers have taken an old motor inn and infused it with hipness and feel good tourism.

The best example of this "hotel with a conscience" attitude is the little green laptop in the middle of their business center. Yep, right there between two Mac computers is our favorite Children's Machine XO.

So if you're headed to San Francisco, consider staying at the Good Hotel if only to stay close to One Laptop Per Child. That or easy access to the Ready Made vending machine.

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