From: "Jun Yong Kim" Hi, this is my first attempt for a fanfic. Guess that's very common to hear. Anyway, I started this more of an rpg campaign idea for the World of Darkness setting that White Wolf releases. I read the book on Technocracy, Demon Hunter X and thought, wow I could see this working in the backgrounds of the Eva story line. I'm going to follow the story with very minor character interactions. Well, some more than others. I really hope to keep it on character. Also, there is some minor cussing. Ok for those of you that don't know anything about the World of Darkness, I suggest that you get one of the rulebooks. I would say Mage: the Ascension would probably be closest to incorporating Eva but then that is how I see it as. If you do play then I recommend the Guide to the Technocracy, Technocracy Assembled volumes 1 and 2 and Demon Hunter X, mainly the shih. Hell anything from the Year of the Lotus series would be helpful. The following passage is from one of the rulebooks. The world of darkness is based on our world. It is just darker and more gothic. Hmm, what else can I say but the World of Darkness is property of White Wolf, Eva is property of Gainex (did I spell that right?). The story is my property. Please e-mail me at with any comments and stuff like that. Also, this will eventually have spoilers but just not right now. Chapter 1 A dark storm gathered over the city during the late evening. City lights burning ready to be snuffed out by the forces of nature. Silently a black sedan drives into a parking garage in to the MicroTel building. One of the men inside gazes at his watch and says, "it's about time gentlemen." With that, the car comes to a stop in a corner space of the parking lot. Five men stepped out of the car. From a distance, many would have thought the five to be twins as they were all dressed in the same black suit. "Alright gentlemen, we know our orders. Proceed with caution," said one of the men as he checked his gun. "Shoot fast and count the dead," replied one of the suits, "gotcha chief." "Hit hard but no killing guards," remarked another. "Sweet bliss by my gun's kiss, and it'll be the monsters last," was the quote by the fourth member. "Don't even dare mister." The Chief had a disgusted look upon his face as he faced the first poet. "Dammit Rodriguez, why do you always do this?" "Cause you don't like it, and to keep us somewhat sane," answered Rodriguez. "Alright, gentlemen, we're done with Shakespearean quotes and need to get the job at hand," the Chief said. He looked at his men. Gazing into each member's eyes to make sure they all knew what was going to happen. He finally turned his back on his men and started for the nearest stairs. "Jun, what are the orders." "Hai," came a small answer from the youngest member of the team. "Chief our orders are to find any shen and incapacitate them for interrogation. Use only necessary violence, as we don't have a license to kill in this country. Also, meet on the roof for extraction." The Chief stopped in his tracks, just as everyone else began to follow him. It's finally time, he thought, we finally get to go home. "I see. Alright, let's get this done quick." ********** High above on the roof, a young child looks at his injured friend laying on the stone floor. The child for some reason or another, placed his hand upon the warm muzzle of the giant wolfen figure. Somehow he felt sadness, odd he thought, to have such feelings for another. "Do you know your part," growled the large figure. His eyes straining to look at the child. How can one child be given such responsibilities? It's not right, Earth Mother, please bless this child and protect him. How long has it been since the first Avatar came, only to be manipulated by man? Can this world survive the new millennium? "Hai," came the soft reply of the child. His red eyes seemed to pierce into the night. Suddenly a gust of wind came and tousled the white hair of the child, like the touch of a mother. The feeling of the wind softened the child's hard gaze. "Tabris, there have. ," the giant heavily breathed. Slowly and still breathing with his last strength, the wolfman continued, "there have been already two avatars sent to us. Fourteen more shall arrive. One after each other should the previous fail. If they all fail, Tabris, will you be able to do your part?" "Hai," the young child answered again. Why was it so important for the big man to keep telling him his part? "Will you be okay, Byron," Tabris asked. "I will continue Gaia's work," replied Byron. "You just have to know your part." As he tried to get up, the pain in his abdomen shot through his body. He was coughing up a lot of blood and had trouble regaining his breathing. Dammit, he thought, where is he. Shadows-in-Hiding should have been here a long time ago. As he lay there, wondering of his friend, a red star in the heavens above started to shine brightly. "Tabris, do you see that star," Byron quietly asked the child. "Hai, is that . " "It is the Phoenix," said Byron in a rumbled whisper, "his presence means that the final days are not far off." "Still talking of the final days eh, my friend," a new voice said. Out of the shadows came another werewolf. Unlike the aged gray coat of the wounded werewolf, the younger werewolf wore a black coat. "Shadow is that you," asked Byron. A feeling of relief washed over the elder werewolf as the young man came. "Don't worry, you helped me when I was a cub and I shall help you. For Gaia, as you always say." Shadows-in-Hiding, did his best to keep the heavy air of depression off and keep the moods loose as possible. He turned his attention away from his wounded teacher and gazed upon the child. As he looked at the boy he felt something wrong, "the child is not a cub. He has does not smell of kin but yet something of the wyrm. What is he?" Anger and confusion was released in the question as he turned to his teacher for an answer. "Shadow, our time is almost over," Byron said as he begun his metamorphosis to his human form. In place of the hulking werewolf, there stood an aging man with a troubled look in his eyes. His breathing became a bit more regular as the transformation healed him just a bit. "Can you see the Phoenix in the heavens above?" Slowly, Shadow, looked to the night sky and gazed at the burning red star. "Is it time already then? Is he the one? Why now? What." As the questions came out, Byron quickly cut him off and started to speak. "It was prophesied long ago that this would happen. Earth Mother has begun sending her Avatars. The Avatars are here to stop mankind from destroying themselves. You may remember what happened fourteen years ago. That was no meteoric impact on the continent of Antarctica as the world knows of it but an Avatar was there. Somehow for one reason or another, it died. A second is presumed to have been found but many sept shamans cannot find the second one. We found this child in the umbra, lost and we believe that he may be another of Gaia's Avatar. Now we know that there will be others. We must prepare for them. Each one will try to reach to save this world. Sadly there are people out there who fear the truth that I am telling you know. Beginning with this child you must teach him how to survive and more importantly, help him understand who he is. My time is over but I shall still fight against the wyrm in spirit." Without a sound, Shadow knelt by his old mentor and whispered, "by Gaia' s grace I will live to the task that you have set upon me. Know that I shall not fail you." He threw his head back as he looked to the moon for support. "Luna," the young garou shouted, "take your child to the holy land so that he may fight again when the day of Armageddon arrives." A silent and mournful howl could be heard and if by cue, many other wolves could be howling that night. "Okay kid, come with me and let's make sure you are who you are." The child took a final look at the dead man. He felt something that he didn't understand. What is it, he asked himself? After a moment's hesitation he decided to just follow the werewolf that was told to protect him. Again he was to follow someone and become nothing but a tool. Should I feel something, he wondered? In the end, the results are always the same, just do as others say and he won't be alone. Why though? Was he afraid of being alone? Since he could remember, he was always alone. That is until he was found by the old man one day. He decided to look at his new guardian and decided that following him might give him some answers. It could be worse for all he knows. ********** With skills of ninjas, the five men cautiously made their way into the MicroTel building. The darkness was only the calm before the storm. Each team member checked to make sure if their striker gun was loaded and ready. Jun Iuchi, tested the data pad on his arm for the umpteenth time to make sure that the information that was being received was from basecamp. Shinji Rodriguez was quietly humming the chorus from the song Desperado. He silently pulled out a pack of smokes and pulled one out. Capt. Tokagawa glared at the anarchic young man. After a few seconds, Rodriguez returned the cigarette to the box, knowing full well the consequences. Michael Daidoji was leaning against a wall, ready for anything and everything. It was Taka Mizuhara who made the first move. He approached the guards desk, with a quick grin he managed to change his appearance. From a serious looking suit to an aging security guard. "Hey," Taka said, "I'm here for the next shift." "Where's Jimmy," asked the guard? "He called saying he couldn't make it," replied Taka. "I was called to take his shift for tonight." "Yeah, sure. Have fun with the spooks," with that, the guard punched out and left. "Chief," called Taka, through the Psi-Band Radio. "Through the guard and the security is ready for the overhaul." "Roger," replied the Chief. He turned to his men, "alright gentlemen, you know the job. Shinji, you take point as always, watch for anything strange, be careful. Jun, Taka will stay with you by the guard's desk. Work your magic on the security systems and keep us informed on anything. Make sure you meet us at the extraction point in thirty minutes. Any questions?" "Yeah," asked Shinji in a very serious tone, "what happens to the marshmallows in a rice crispy treat when you make a rice crispy treat?" "Okay," said the Chief, how is it I haven't died he wondered, "does anyone have a question pertaining to the mission? Okay, synchronize your watches on my mark. We have thirty minutes to find the reality deviant and get to the extraction point." "Roger," everyone answered in unison. Quickly they four members went to the security desk where Taka was waiting. Jun removed his neural interface from the back of his neck and connected a different cable from the security computer to his neck. "Alright, time to jack me in," Jun said as he put on his glasses which would be his guide to the highway of electrons. I love this part, he said to himself as he hacked into the system. "Chief," he said, "I'm in and ready to go. I have proceeded with lock down of all exits and am now proceeding to interface with the cameras." "Good work," the Chief replied. "Alright then, let's move," he said to the others, "watch our backs, Jun, and keep us in touch. Taka, you know your part," he said as he looked at Taka, "make sure you meet us at the extraction point in thirty minutes. It takes about ten minutes to get to the roof so that means that we have twenty minutes to get everything finished. Alright, let's move." Jun remained absorbed by the machine. Taka, took his pistol out and turned the safety off. The other three members where running to the stairs. "Test, test, can everyone here me," the Chief said through the Psi-Band Radio. "Roger that big boss," replied Rodriguez. "Ten-Four Chief," answered Taka. "Chief," shouted Jun, "I have targets on the tenth floor. One possibly a hengeyokai and the other is unknown." This is not good. Gotta get the elevators to meet them. I'll have an elevator meet you on the fourth floor sir. "Good going, Jun." That kid is gonna go places, thought the Chief. "Alright, Michael and Shinji you know what to do right?" "Hai," the two agents replied. It wasn't long before the three men was on the elevator. On the ground floor by the security desk, Jun noticed something else through his visors. Naw, he thought, my eyes must be tired, better get them checked. Taka, sat there by Jun behind the security desk. This was normal. He wasn't much of a gung-ho hero like Rodriguez or strong like Daidoji but he had his uses. Besides, using a Kabuki mask required finesse, not power. What was that? He felt something go by him. No, it was almost as if something went through him. "Hey, kid," Taka said to Jun, "you notice anything strange on those glasses of your?" Can't be nervous, that would be bad. Gotta stay calm and in charge. "No," Jun replied with frustration. When is everyone gonna stop calling me a kid. "I'm not a kid you know, I'm almost nineteen years old." "Whoa, almost nineteen, yeah, what was I thinking," Taka said sarcastically. "Anyway, when you get a cherry popped, I might consider you one of the big leaguers." "Whatever, it's not like you got any for a long time," that should shut him up, thought Jun. "Getting better kid but no dice," damn kids think they're so smart, Taka said to himself. Laughing he said, "you hanging with Shinji a lot eh?" With a sour frown on his face, Jun said, "yeah well, I always wanted to know how it feels to get drunk." "Well if you really wanna have some fun, then you need to come with me one night when I go out karoaking." "Sure," replied Jun, not sure if Taka was serious or not. He's probably saying that to be nice. I wish everyone would stop seeing me as a kid. A sudden blip on his visor brought him back to his task on hand. "Chief," he said through the Psi-Band Radio, "there's another life sign. I'm trying to get a better read on it." He quickly worked his magic on the machine and tried to get a reading from the cameras. Taka was looking over Jun's shoulder and noticed some strange shape appearing on one of the screens. "What the hell is ." "Aaaahhhhh," Jun screamed as something assaulted his mind. "Get it out of me, help me, please, no." "Jun," Taka shouted to his partner, "Jun, sign off, sign off now." As he grabbed the visors a sudden electrical shock zapped him. Shit, he thought, that's not gonna work. "Chief, we got problems here," he shouted through his mental radio. "Chief, we have to eighty-six this mission." "Negative," the Chief replied coldly, "get Jun to the extraction point. Just meet us there. Do whatever you have to do to get him here." "Yes sir," dammit the Chief can sound so cold Taka thought. Alright kid, we gotta get you outta there. Aw shit, what the hell do I do? Pulling his pistol out, Taka began shooting at the console and tried to rip every cord out of the machine. Jun began crying, "please help me, mama, please help me." Tears began to take shape from under the visors. "MAMA." An eerie silence shot through the building as Jun's final word was said. Taka dropped his gun and the cables that he pulled out and shouted, "come on kid, don't do this to me. You can't fall back on a promise, come on kid." Taka was finally able to remove the visors from Jun and tried any kind of first aid on the young man. Dammit, he said to himself, dammit, shit, fuck, damn, crap. Who the hell are you to die on me kid, come on, dammit. "Chief," Taka said, "Chief, he's gone." "You know the drill Taka," answered the Chief harshly. "Get to the extraction point; this mission's a failure." He turned to Michael and Shinji, "alright boys, let's get to the extraction point." "Yes sir," they both answered in unison. It was obvious that the Chief would not want any lip. The three men waited impatiently for the elevator to get to the top floor. They realized that the creature was going to be left alone for now. Dammit, Shinji thought, this ain't right. We came here to bust some ass and that's what we should do. He looked at the Chief who seemed to have aged right before their very eyes. Michael was troubled by the news of Jun's accident. He was the new guy in the team and he in some strange way saw Jun as a kid bro. Fuck, we should be capping whatever's out there, he said to himself. The Chief looked at the two agents and knew what each man was thinking about. Revenge for Jun, wasn't that the way of the Samurai. No, we're not Samurais, the Chief thought, more like Ninjas. Doing a job to keep the knowledge of the creatures that go bump in the night a secret from humanity. And why not? Wouldn't it be easier to live a life not knowing about the scary monsters? Drug dealers and gangsters were bad enough, why add vampires and ghosts to the list. No, what they were doing was the right thing and people have to be sacrificed for doing the right thing. Even Jun. He was no exception; he knew the consequence when he signed up. How long ago was that? It seemed like a long time ago when they found their hacker. The group that the Chief was leading broke into a small studio apartment and took the young man in for interrogation. In the end, Jun had only two choices, go back and face the trial of the USA vs. Jun Iuchi or become a new agent. Not hard really as the young man didn't have much else to live for. It wasn't too long for him to get the young man into his team after losing a previous member. So many dead, maybe that was the reason why his team had the rule to never speak of the dead. It was hard on his agents and especially to him. I'm too old for this, he said to himself. All the young men and women that were assigned to me had died or will die. I don't think I can handle that responsibility anymore. It's just too much for one man to handle. Maybe I should think of retiring? The soft bell of the elevator brought everyone out of their reverie. Cautiously they walked out of the elevator car and prepared for the worst. Out of the darkness a large figure leaped at them. With a terrifying roar, the giant beast began to slash at the nearest agent. "IT IS NOT RIGHT FOR YOU TO BE HERE," the beast cried out as he punctuated each word with a slash. "I WILL NOT LET YOU GET IN MY WAY." Each agent began shooting at the giant beast. "You asshole," Shinji shouted, "you kilLED JUN." I'm not gonna let him get away. With a surge of energy Shinji ran up to the great behemoth and attacked him with his vibro blades that had withdrawn from his arms. It was mortal combat as the human agent squared off with the werewolf. Shinji parried an attack from the wolfen figure and he retaliated with a thrust. Back and forth the two combatants went. Neither having an advantage of the other. As the melee continued, Michael noticed a small child behind a pedestal. "Chief," he said, "there's a small child behind that pedestal. I'm gonna get him out of harms way." "Right, you do that." The Chief was surprised to see a child here. What are they doing with children now? "Taka, get your ass up here. We're leaving." He shouted through the radio. "Roger, I'll be there in a few." Damn what am I gonna do with the kid. He kept his feelings to himself, as he knew the rules, no room for the dead. "Hope you're happy where you're at now," he said as he placed the bomb in his lap. As that was done, Taka raced to the waiting elevator and held the detonator with much guilt. Inside the raising car, Agent Taka Mizuhara was given an opportunity to think about what just transpired. It was so simple, Taka thought. I mean, he 's done this stuff hundred times before. Why now, what was that thing in the camera? Fuckin shit I hate it when I don't know what I'm doing. Better get up there quick. I hate this damn elevator music. The young child looked at what was happening. A look of confusion and anger seemed to flash across his face. Who are the strange men? Why are they trying to hurt Shadow? It wasn't long before his thoughts became interrupted as one of the agents picked him up. He looked at the man who grabbed him. The child stared at the face of the large man and wondered if he should be feeling something. The moment that Michael grabbed the child, Shadow was caught off guard. Shinji came with a quick slice to the abdomen area of the giant beast as Shadow tried to run to the child. A loud roar deafened the hallway and knocked the agents down. Quickly he grabbed the child from the shocked agent and ran towards the mirrored surface of the elevator door and stepped sideways into the spirit world. As the werewolf and child disappeared, a tiny bell was heard and the elevator doors had opened up. The three agents raised their guns to the elevator only to be surprised by Agent Taka. "Oh, shit," Taka cursed, "what the fuck happened to you guys?" It was a while before anyone decided to break the ice. Shinji decided that the silence was too creepy and took matters into his own hand. He answered back to Taka, "you know the same ole shit. We see big and hairy, he charges, we attack, hope for a kill but this time that SOB got away." "Okay, well," Taka looked at his partner and knew what was up. "Chief, we got a couple minutes before the copter arrives." It was hard looking at the Chief, especially when someone left. "Huh," the Chief replied coldly, "right." He looked at each of his men and sadly thought, each one of these young men could die and it's because I couldn't lead them properly. "Let's go. Do you have the charges set, Taka?" "Hai," Taka answered, "I have the remote right here. As soon as where clear, I can detonate the bomb and all the evidence will be gone. In and out with no one knowing." "Good," grunted the Chief as he began walking down the hall to the stairs. Quietly and slowly the four men made their way to the roof. No one said anything, as if it was a moment of silence for the recently departed. Couple questions floated in the minds of the agents. Who was that kid? What went wrong tonight? A sound of a flask being opened brought them out to reality. Michael took a quick drag on the bottle as if it was his last. "Here," he passed the bottle to Taka, "shot and shelled to the gates of hell." "Where every man who dreams can," Taka took the bottle and took a drink and passed the bottle to Shinji. "Knowing true love and the peace of doves," Shinji replied after his turn on the bottle. Turning to the Chief he passed the bottle. "Forever in bliss never wanting Death's kiss," the Chief said, ending the small prayer to Jun. It was very common for them to do this, the Chief thought. No one really knows who started it but no one wanted to stop. It was easier to believe that the person didn't exist. Didn't it work that way? When you sign up, you fake your death. You're already dead, so that means we don't exist. It sounded so cold but when you see your friends die on a daily bases it was easier to believe that they never existed in your heart. In some sick way, it lessoned the pain. No one said anything else. A few minutes later a silent helicopter flew over the building. Each agent solemnly entered the copter. The pilot looked at the faces of each agent as they entered. He knew that something went wrong and decided to keep quiet. I'm so glad that I'm not on active duty anymore he said to himself. As the door closed the copter took off and headed out of the city. "Capt. Tokagawa," the pilot shouted to the Chief over the noise of the whirling blades. "I'm gonna drop you off at the airport. From there you will receive further instructions." "Thank you, Lt," the Chief replied. In some strange way, he thought, it will be nice to go back home. ********** Well, that's it for the first part. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'm trying to get the group back together to finish this campaign but no luck. I guess I'll have to just finish it without the cool gaming sessions. My friend came up the name Shinji Rodriguez. Somehow in the game it was decided that Asuka would try to use the dashing Rodriguez as a way to get Kaji jealous, but of course that doesn't really work, you know I'm trying to keep the main Eva characters in character. My friend on the other hand wanted so hard and tried very hard to get Asuka and Shinji together. Rodriguez has a problem with someone else having the same name as him and being a total wuss. It was a great gaming session. Kinda weird but I think I did okay trying to keep the Eva characters within bounds. Well, maybe I can write down what happened more next time as I tried to play the game. Ah well. As I asked earlier, please send any comments to . Till next time.