From: Subject: [EVA][FanFic] The Third The Third (tentative title) a semi-story by Dot --- A strange little piece out of a lot of boredom. Please remind me to shoot myself next time I want to have a EVA marathon. :) --- I stare at the tinted, cracked glasses in my hands. Why do I keep such a thing? /Pain. Searing, hot, white pain. And someone shouting her name, over and over again./ Something wet splashes onto the glass. I am crying. Why? And why does it feel like I have seen tears before? /More pain. Something strange invading her body. The Thing which she does not understand makes Itself known to her./ I remember things, yet I do not remember them. /"You remind me of a mother." He grins sheepishly. Her face grows hot./ The tinted glasses reflect my face badly, and my image in it distorts. /Her face twists in anger. "If the Commander told you to commit suicide, you'd do it!"/ I know what will happen to me. /He grabs her shoulder much too tightly. "It is time."/ But I am not afraid. /The hands around her neck tighten viciously. "You are replacable, like me."/ Yet I am afraid. /Hands pounding the floor, distraught. "I am as stupid as my mother!"/ I wish to disappear, but he does not allow it. No, _she_ does not allow it. /"If it's a boy, we'll name him Shinji. If a girl, Rei."/ Who am I? _What_ am I? /"I think I am the Third."/ It does not matter. Not any more. --- *scratches head* Why do most of my first-person narritive stories sound like the person talking is on crack? (On second thought, don't answer that ^^;) -"Dot" (mirror) -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own