From: (John Hollins) Subject: [Eva] Saint Irene (Part One) Evangelion is a trademark of Gainax (don't kill me, please) Irene is my own charcter. Saint Irene by John Hollins "An American will be in our class?" Shinji looked as his two classmates, Touji and Kensuke paced around his desk. "It could be a boy." Touji said. In truth, the new male might be tougher than he is. Hikari just shook her head as Asuka came in. "What's the dumb trio doing now?" Asuka said. "Oh, talking about the American exchange student. Those morons proboly hope it's a girl with big boobs." Hikari replied. The two laughed at the boys. The teacher came in as the students took their seats. "I want to introduce our new student. Miss Harper." Shinji looked away from his classmates and stared at the girl. The girl's hair was black and curly and bounced when she walked. Her skin was honey brown but what really stood out was her large brown eyes. The girl then scribbled her name in hiragana and bowed. "Um.....hi. My name is Irene Harper. in from Philadelphia. It's in America.....well um that's it." The girl stammered. She then sat down at her seat. Shinji just looked at Irene who slumped her head down. "I really effed that up." She mumbled in english. At lunch, Asuka and Hikari looked at Irene. "Asuka, you have some American blood. Do all Americans act weird like Irene?" "Probably just nerves." Irene stared back at them. Asuka's self important babbling made Irene feel worse. Shinji spotted Irene and bit his lip as he stepped up to her. "H-hello, my name is Shinji Ikari." Shinji stammered. Irene grabbed Shinji's arm and shook his hand violently. "Howdy, Shinji. The name's Irene but you probably know that already." "You speak Japanese really well....I......mean....." "For a black chick?" "I'm sorry." "God, you're a wuss! I was just joshing you!" "How long will you be staying?" "Six months, maybe longer." Rei walked over to the two. "I am Rei Ayanami and you must be Irene." Rei said, in an absolutely cold tone. "Ummmmm. Hi." "You are an American?" "Yea." Rei just turned and walked away. Irene looked back at her. "Spooky." "Rei........" Shinji got up to leave. All of the sudden, Irene grasped his hand. "Listen....Shin......wanna show me around the city tommorow." "Y-yes." "Good. It's a date! See ya!" Asuka and Hikari stood behind a tree, seeing Irene and Shinji's conversation. "Goddamn stupid Shinji!" Asuka said fuming. "Asuka, do you love Shinji?" "I.....DO.......NOT!" Shinji took the subway home that day. Rei. Asuka. And now Irene. That night, Shinji thought about Irene. She's like Misato and Asuka. Shinji slipped into the tub. Irene. Does she actually care about me? Is she just using me like Misato and Ritsuko? She felt so soft. Irene. Irene swam in a lake outside of Tokyo 3. She liked the sensation of cold water on her body. Shinji. I wonder if he likes me? I been used by other people all my life, like Shinji. He's so kind. Shinji. Irene pulled out a flute from underneath her clothes and played a mournful tune. The Angels are coming, and I must help Shinji. Shinji Ikari, the Evangelion pilot. End Part One What is Irene's connection to the Angels? Will a romance florish between Shinji and Irene? What is in the past of the mysterious Irene? Stay tuned for part two. AUTHOR'S NOTES I rewrote this thing since my first one was rushed. I think this story is far better. I had a bit of a hard time writing the others (Asuka, Touji, et al) since I only seen eps 1 and 2, so I had to read the Literal Translation scripts (I would put the web address if I remembered it) so that helped me (a little, at least). Irene is based a little on Ai (from Video Girl fame), her dialouge is similar to Ai's if you're wondering. Till next time.