From: Jonathan Gaters ******************************************** Lillin Chapter 1: The Arrival By Jonathan K. Gaters ( Based on Neon Genesis Evangelion Characters are all property of Gainex This story (c) Jonathan K. Gaters, 2000 Original characters property of Jonathan K. Gaters ******************************************** *****WARNING****WARNING****WARNING****WARNING****WARNING****WARNING***** This contains spoilers for Episodes 2, 12-24. *****WARNING****WARNING****WARNING****WARNING****WARNING****WARNING***** *****WARNING****WARNING****WARNING****WARNING****WARNING****WARNING***** Contains coarse language, cursing, fanservice, violence, and death. Not suitable for _anyone_ under 13 (like you care). All may now cheer. *****WARNING****WARNING****WARNING****WARNING****WARNING****WARNING***** First Began: November 19, 1999 Finished On: May 28, 2000 Posted On: May 30, 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4:15.27pm June 9, 2000 T-Minus 3:3:7:44.33 Inside the Katsuragi household all is quiet. Katsuragi Misato is in her room finishing her homework. Her mother is sitting at the kitchen table quietly sipping her tea and reading the paper. The afternoon sunlight is starting to cast long shadows through the windows. The trees are slowly waving in a slight breeze, their leaves making wonderful light patterns on the furniture. The phones begins to ring breaking the silence. "I'll get it!" Misato burst out her room, now finish with her homework, wanting to have long phone conversations with her friends. Misato picks up the phone with a big grin on her young face. She answers the phone cheerfully, "Hello! Katsuragi household! Misato speaking!" Her smile quickly disappears from her face. She turns to her mother, a little anger in her voice, and says, "It's for you." Her mother walks through the Dining room and into the Living room, coming to a stop at the phone. She takes the phone from Misato, attributing her frown to the disappointment that it's not one of her friends. "Hello," she says, "this is Ms. Katsuragi." comes the reply, "What do you want?" Ask Ms. Katsuragi at the sound of her ex-husband's voice. He goes straight for the heart of the matter. "You can't have her." Says Ms. Katsuragi sternly. "I won't let her go." *sigh* "All right," resigns Ms. Katsuragi, "you win. When are you going to pick her up?" "What! She can't leave tomorrow! Even if you get past the fact that she can't get ready that fast there's still the fact that she has school! You can't expect to get that much time with her until Summer Break." As if his words were some cue there is a knock at the door. Misato runs towards the door. Ms. Katsuragi looks to the front door as Misato opens the door and accepts a package from a man dressed in a black suit and black sunglasses. Misato walks back to her mother and drops a white envelope with the blue UN symbol printed on the back. Ms. Katsuragi opens the envelope to find four sheets of paper within. Three of the four sheets are stapled together. Ms. Katsuragi quickly scans the stapled sheets. They appear to be school transfer papers, needing only her signature. The other sheet is a warning. A synopsis of it would read, 'Give Misato to me or you will be arrested and Misato would be put into my custody anyway'. "What's going on? Why is the UN involved in this?!" "Where are you taking her!?" ask Ms. Katsuragi, on the edge of panic. "What the hell do you need her for in Antarctica!?!" "I don't really have a choice, do I?" With that he cuts his connection. Ms. Katsuragi slowly hangs up the phone. As she turns, she comes to face a frowning Misato. "What does *he* want?" she asks. "Pack your things. You'll be staying with your father for two months." Ms. Katsuragi brushes past Misato on her way to her room to cry. 'Even after they're divorced he still finds a way to make her cry! What makes it worse is that he's using _me_ to do it!' thinks Misato. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8:28.46am June 10, 2000 T-MINUS 3:2:16:31.14 Misato is standing outside her house, her mother beside her. Around them are two trunks, four suitcases, and one carry-on bag. Misato has a back-pack slung over her shoulder. A black sedan pulls into the drive-way by the house. Misato notes the UN licenses plate. Misato checks her watch. 'Eight thirty on the dot. At least these bastards are punctual.' A man steps out of the drivers seat. He walks around to the trunk and opens it. He proceeds to load Misato's two trunks into the trunk of his car. The man then loads her four suitcases into the front passenger seat. He puts Misato's carry-on bag into the back left seat. The man finally walks back around to the right side of the car, opens the right-back door, and stands in front of it. Ms. Katsuragi hugs Misato close to her and whispers into her ear, "Take care. Come back to me Mi-chan." "I will mama, I will." she whispers back. Misato walks over to the sedan and sits in the rear passengers seat. She spares a glare at the driver as she steps past him. She waves goodbye to her mother who has tears in her eyes. The driver shuts the door, walks back to the driver's side, and climbs in. The driver starts the engine and pulls out of the drive-way. As her house grows smaller in the distance, she feels a renewed hatred for her father. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8:42.10am June 10, 2000 T-MINUS 3:2:16:17.50 As the sedan pulls up beside the plane on a private airfield, Misato is amazed. Beside her, being refueled, is a Concord super-sonic passenger jet. She hears the trunk pop as the driver opens it from the glove box. Men come and start to load her luggage onto the plane. The driver gets out and opens the door for Misato. He gestures for her to get her carry-on bags and board the plane. Misato does as he wants and shoulders her back-pack and grabs the handle on her carry-on. As Misato climbs the steps she feels something incredibly wrong with this situation. 'Of course something is wrong with this situation,' she chides herself, 'your father is forcing you to leave school near the end of the year, so you can't spend summer break with your friends, to live with him in _Antarctica_ of all places! I'll make him pay for this!' Once on-board the plane she sees that most of the chairs have been taken out. Some replaced with tables, other just for more leg room. She notices that there is no one else in the passenger section of the plane. 'At least there won't be any kids running up and down the isle.' Misato plops down in a chair picked at random. It happens to be very comfortable. She relaxes slightly into the cushion. A voice comes over the speaker. It says, "Katsuragi-san, we will be lifting off in six minutes. Would you please place your seat in the full upright position and fasten your safety-belt. Thank-you, that is all." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5:11.01pm June 11, 1999 T-MINUS 3:1:6:48:59 Misato had been on the plane for over a quarter of a day now. Her anger and hatred for her father had slowly turned into loneliness. She thought it would be nice having an entire plane to herself. Was she ever wrong. She had visited the cockpit for a while. The only other people she'd seen were the steward who brought her food and the cockpit crew. They weren't very good company, to say the least. Misato was leafing through a pamphlet that supposedly described what she would be doing in Antarctica. So far, all it did was run in circles and give her vague descriptions. Misato was just about to call the steward for her dinner when the speaker comes to life. "Miss Katsuragi," comes the pilot's voice, "we are about to begin our descent into Ushuaia. Please take a seat and put your chair and tray in their full, upright positions, and fasten your safety belt. Thank you." Misato puts the pamphlet away, returns her chair and tray to their upright positions, and fastens her safety belt. She felt glad that they were finally landing. Maybe she could find something besides reading to occupy her time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5:32.13pm June 11, 2000 T-MINUS 3:1:6:27.47 Misato was tempted to kiss the ground. Instead she chooses to do a quick cartwheel. She was on some military base or another at the southern tip of South America. No one that she knew could see her. She was just glad to be on the ground. A few hours in the air would make anyone glad to see the ground again. Unfortunately, for Misato, she was soon ushered onto another plane. This one was obviously a military plane. Its drab olive color and the big, white, letters spelling out "USAF" gave it away. 'I wonder why the US is involved in this. I thought this was a UN operation. Maybe the US lent these to the UN.' Misato wondered. She was sure that they would explain nothing to her. She was also sure that her father wasn't here. That allowed her to resume her anger at her father. Deep in her consciousness Misato was glad her father hadn't come. Her anger chased out all the fear of what was going to happen to her. The men hustled Misato into the plane and promptly shut the hatch behind her. Inside the plane she found that something else was different than her last plane flight had been. There were other people inside the plane this time. The people were busy storing cargo in the large hold. The cargo hold and the passenger section had no divider. The sets were the same green color as the plane's exterior. It looked very uncomfortable to be on for a very long time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6:34.25pm June 11, 2000 T-MINUS 3:1:5:25.35 High above the Southern polar ice cap, a solitary olive plane stood out in the stark contrast to the blinding white below. Inside the cargo plane Misato sat in her chair shivering. The plane had little insulation and no heat source. It wasn't designed with live cargo in mind. Lucky for her someone thought to give her a parka. It helped with keeping the chill from eating through to her bones, but some of the cold managed to gnaw through the park to nip at her flesh and raise her hairs. The door to the pilot's cabin opened and the co-pilot stepped out. She was a dark skinned American wearing a flight jacket and an Air Force uniform under that. She walked over to Misato and gestured for the girl to come with her. Misato warily unbuckled her seat belt and followed the woman. They walked further back into the cargo hold. The woman raised a hand for Misato to stop. The woman shouted so her voice could be heard over the roaring propellers. She speaks surprisingly good Japanese. "The cover for this mission is to drop medical equipment. Its currently winter in the Southern hemisphere. That means that there's no light to see by and its too rough to risk a landing. You'll be in this," the woman points at a human-size, white pod resting on the floor, "when you drop. Don't worry, it has a parachute attached to it. It can withstand the force of a zero point one megaton blast. It'll be safer in this thing than in the plane. These," she says, pointing at three other pods just like the others "are decoys. They do contain equipment though. Once you touch down," the woman activates a switch and the pod opens, "don't open your pod right away. If you do you'll probably freeze to death. The pod has an air tank with two hours of air in it. The team should find you by then. Once you feel the pod touch down you have to activate your beacon. To activate the beacon push this button," the woman points towards a switch on the side of the interior of the pod, "here. The switch to open the pod from the inside," the woman indicates a small handle further down the inside of the pod, "is here. The hatch has a timer on it so you can't open it accidentally while you're still in the air. Got all that?" Misato nods. "Then get in and have a good stay at the bottom of the world." says the woman. "Isn't that a little pessimistic?" asks Misato with a grin. "I prefer to think of it as the top of an upside-down world." "Okay, okay, just get in the stupid pod!" exclaims the woman with a grin. Misato climbs in the pod. The woman shuts the hatch behind her. As the two halves of the hatch close, the pod is drowned in darkness. She feels the pod being pushed forward, towards the bay doors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6:38.26pm June 11, 2000 T-MINUS 3:1:5:20.34 Misato sat in the dark pod and began to wonder if anyone would find her. She had already heard the alarm go off that meant she could open the hatch, but she didn't know how close she was to the base or if a recovery crew was on the way. Misato's fears were put to rest by the pod door flying open. She covered her eyes as a flashlight was shone in them. She felt herself being lifted out of the pod. The flashlight was taken out of her face but it left her momentarily blind. Someone had taken her arm and was guiding her. Where, She did not know. Misato's eyes recovered enough so that there wasn't a large purple-black dot in the middle of her vision, but everything was still dark. She let herself be led through the harsh winds, hoping that these people knew where they were going. If they didn't know where the base was, or somehow got lost along the way... then they would all die in the cold. She might survive for a little longer if she were to climb back into the pod, given that she could find it, and wait until daybreak. She hoped it wouldn't come to that. She really wanted a warm shower. Just ahead of Misato a bright light appeared. The group was moving towards it. 'Probably the base,' thought Misato, 'If they weren't near a base I wouldn't have been picked up so fast and the rescue group would have died." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6:41.31pm June 11, 2000 T-MINUS 3:1:5:18.29 Misato had been given a quick check over to make sure she wasn't hurt in the drop. After the doctor left she was given warm cider. It felt good to have something inside her. (Author's note: Its a joke. In cider. Inside her. Never mind. You have to hear the full joke.) She was sitting on a examining table waiting for the person who was going to show her around the base. She supposed it would be her father. After all, he _was_ supposed to be here. Then again she thought he was going to be at the airport. 'Of course he wasn't at the airport. If it was so dangerous that they had to drop me in a capsule then they wouldn't have been able to get a plane off the ground so he could meet me. 'This isn't a normal visit though. I wonder why I'm here. There's no good reason to have a fourteen year-old at an Antarctic base in the middle of Winter. Why did he bring me? Is he just trying to get back at mother for leaving him? I won't let him use me like that. It's his fault she left. If he wasn't always ignoring her she wouldn't have left. He brought it on himself. DAMNIT! I _hate_ that man!' The door to the examination room opened and a woman in about her early thirties walked in. Misato thought that she looked kind and motherly. She was wearing a white lab coat with a purple blouse and a dark blue skirt. Her hair was dark brown and cut short to mid-neck length. The woman smiled and was about to begin speaking when Misato interrupted, "Where is my father?" she demanded. "Why isn't he here? What's he doing?" "My you're full of questions. First let me introduce myself. I'm Ikari Yui. I'm the head of..." "I don't care who you are or what you do or don't do! All I want to know is where the _FUCK_ my father is!" "Well. Since you put it that way. Follow me." With that the woman walked out of the room without looking back to see if Misato was following her. Misato slid off the table and followed Yui down a long corridor. She assumed she had hurt the woman's feelings, but she really didn't care right now. All she wanted was to find her father and find out what the hell was going on here. She wondered what was going on here. Why her father would need to be at the South Pole. It wasn't like he specialized in fossils or ice. He was a Physicist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6:59.39pm June 11, 2000 T-MINUS 3:1:5:00.21 Misato had been walking for quite a while yet. The woman, Yui, had said that although the facility looked small on the surface, it went a ways into the mountain beneath it. 'Like I've ever _seen_ the surface. I landed during a snow storm!' thought Misato. They was in front of a seemingly dead end. She walked till she was in front of the left corner of the end, and placed her hand on a section of the wall like any other. The "wall" that was blocking their way slid away, so it must not have been like any other part of the wall. Sitting at a desk behind the wall, inside a bullet-proof enclosure, was a man wearing a black suit and black sunglasses, even though they were inside. He had one hand inside his jacket, which Misato assumed was on a gun. When he saw Yui he pressed a button on the desk in front of him, which opened the gate to the side of his enclosure. Yui led Misato down a corridor, which ended in yet another seamless door. This one opened upon Yui's approach. On the other side of the door was a small, square room, with railings a meter off the ground. Misato, following Yui's lead, walked cautiously into the room. The door slid shut, and the room was plunged into darkness. Misato began to get nervous until a light snapped on overhead. Misato half expected Yui not to be there when the lights came on. She was though. Standing right where she was when the lights went out. "Where are we?" Misato's question broke the silence. "We're in an elevator. We're going down to the main bay. That's where your father is." "I didn't hear it start. It doesn't feel like we're moving." "Oh but we are." Yui reached into her pocket and withdrew a quarter. With a flick of her thumb, she sent the quarter spinning... and it stayed there, idly tumbling. Misato's jaw dropped. "We _cannot_ be moving that fast! It's impossible! In the time we've been in here, this thing would have had to have dropped..." "Quite a ways when you think about it. The main bay is situated deep underground so that any contamination would be kept to a minimum." Misato swallowed a lump that had formed in her throat, "W-what contamination?" "Well... all will be explained in time." Misato frowns, "Sounds like a cop out to me." "Yes, yes it is." confides Yui. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7:12.15pm June 11, 2000 T-MINUS 3:1:4:47.45 Yui and Misato had just got out the elevator. The "main bay" was a lot different from the upper base. Instead of cold, even, steel walls, there were many metal, paneled corridors followed by ridiculously open expanses over vast, seemingly bottomless, voids. What made the journey exciting was the fact that there were few actual guard rails. "To get all this space," Misato said, once more breaking the silence, "you would have to have dug incredibly deep into the mountain- side. It must have taken a long time to build all this." "Actually," replied Yui, turning around to regard the girl, "we found this cavern, already dug. We just built inside of it." "If you didn't dig it, who did?" "We don't know." "How did they manage to make a cavern this large and have no one know about it, until now?" "This wasn't done recently. This cave is pretty old. There is a theory about who made it... but you wouldn't believe me." "I'm a modern, open-minded, youth. Try me." "The current theory is that it was made by a giant being as his home in which he could sleep for millions of years, until awakened." "... You're right. I don't believe you. Tell me, what's the real theory, or the most likely one." "That was the most likely one." "You're pulling my leg." "Hey, I told you you wouldn't believe me... but, you will. Once you see..." "See what?" Yui stopped, and Misato noticed that they were in front of a door. The door was an actual door, you could see where to two pieces of metal came together. Yui took out an I.D. card, and put it into a slot to the right of the door. The door slid apart loudly. Misato could see why, the doors were about a foot thick. As they walked through the doors, that looked like they could take a direct hit from a tank and not dent, Misato noted that the corridor they were now in was both higher and wider than the previous corridor. She would have to ask about that later. 'Ichi, ni, san, sho, yo... it's later!" thought Misato. "Why the hell is this hallway larger than the one before? If it's for defense, it would make more sense to have this hallway smaller than the one before the door. Force the attackers into a bottle-neck situation." "Why are you asking me? I'm a scientist, not an Architect!" "Okay, 'Bones'." Misato said, with a roll of her eyes and a hint of humorous sarcasm. "What?" was all the response Yui could come up with. "Never mind. It's from a really old American show." "Anyway..." Yui opened a manila folder she had been caring, "your quarters have already been designated," Yui continued to read out of the file, not really paying attention to Misato, or where she was going, she knew the halls by heart, "they're near the other pilot's, so if you need anything, ask one of them. Your luggage has already been placed in your room. Is there anything specific you'd like?" Yui took the time to finally look up from the report in her hands to notice her ward was not following behind her. Yui's head shot back and forth fast enough to give her whiplash. She realized where she was. In the pilot's testing facility. It took her but a moment to formulate the information, that had just come rushing to the forefront of her mind, into one, concessive thought. Yui did a quick about-face, and walked hurriedly down the hallway she had come from. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7:23.30pm June 11, 2000 T-MINUS 3:1:4:36.30 Misato had been following the good doctor quietly for a good while. She had turned her attention inwardly, thinking, yet again, about why her father had brought her here, when a dot of mellow orange flashed past her peripheral vision. Put against the seemingly endless metallic grey walls, it stood out like a Goth at a Spice Girls concert. Misato, being tired of the steel walls and florescent lights that seemed to drain all life from her, stopped, and in a moment of pure impulse, left her trail position behind Dr. Yui, and proceeded down the side corridor from which she had seen the orange light emanating from. As Misato got closer to the source of the light, she found that it was not a light fixture, but a tank filled with an orange liquid. 'Strange fish tank. Maybe that's the cafeteria and they're making one really large vat of Tang?' As Misato drew closer she made out three hazy shadows floating in the orange goo. Her curiosity had now reached an all time high. It would take the hounds of hell to stop her now. As there were no Hounds of Hell in this particular Antarctic base, she walked unimpeded to the clear Plexiglas front on the tank of "Tang". Misato's shoes clicked lightly on the metallic floor beneath her as she progressed in her quest to find out what the hell was in the vat of orange liquid. Her heart accelerated in her chest, she felt like she was sneaking past her mother's room, late at night, to go on a date. Misato had finally reached the Plexiglas barrier, holding the strange liquid at bay. She squinted her eyes in an attempt to clear her vision as she peered into the murky depths of the fluid. Misato began to make out the fine details of one of the figures, as it floated gracefully, still in the liquid. As Misato watched, one of the figures in the liquid moved. She had the feeling she was being watched. It disturbed her to no end. She barely contained the urge to run. If she did she would just end up lost. In a place the size of this instillation, that would be a very bad thing. Misato's anxiety grew as the figure that moved, kicked off the bottom and jetted close to the Plexiglas. Misato's anxiety quickly transformed into intense curiosity and wonder, as she saw the face of a young girl. By the looks of her, not much older than Misato herself. As Misato further examined the girl, she noticed that she was wearing some sort of skin tight suit. The white suit had a high neck, gloves attached to the arms, shoes attached to the feet, and numerous, important looking objects poking out. The girl's chest was rising and falling steadily inferring that she was indeed breathing, although Misato couldn't see a breathing device on her mouth or nose, and she wasn't exhaling bubbles. 'She's breathing the water, err, Tang, uh... stuff?' The girl didn't look to be in any particular respiratory trouble though, and she didn't appear to have gills. Misato surmised that the liquid must be breathable. The girl in the tank seemed to be studying Misato as much as she was studying the girl. The girl smiled a toothy smile at Misato. It wasn't a toothy smile, but one that beamed, "I like you and don't plan on ripping open your chest and feasting on your organs." At least that's what it seemed to say to Misato. A hand on Misato's right shoulder made her jump a good foot in the air. Misato's left hand quickly clamped on the hand touching her shoulder, while her right hand clamped over her heart to make sure it was still there instead of in her throat like it felt. As the hand on her shoulder felt human, she calmed down some. "My you're jumpy." Yui stated, wide eyed that such a young girl could do such an impressive standing, vertical leap. "_DON'T_ sneak up on me like that!" Misato squealed through clenched teeth. "I _didn't_ sneak up on you," retorted Yui, " I called your name twice!" "Oh..." *Tap* *Tap* The knock on the glass returned Misato's attention, as well as Yui's, back to the young girl in the... um... Tang. The girl, seeing that she had the attention of the two females outside the tank, waved cheerfully at Yui. Yui frowned and returned the wave, although not in the same spirit. The girl in the tank made several hand gestures at Yui, which Misato surmised to be a form of sign language, while giggling all the while. 'That has to be a unique feeling.' thought Misato. Yui frowned even more, make Misato worry she was about to slip into "Evil Mad Scientist Mode (c)" and torture the poor girl. Instead she simply made similar hand gestures, albeit more violently, to the girl. In return the girl made a hand gesture that Misato clearly recognized, the universal sign for "fuck you". "Hmph, come on Misato, or we'll be late. Oh, and please don't wander off anymore." "Who was that girl? What was she swimming in? How could she breathe liquid? Where are we going?" "That girl is a annoying brat. She was swimming in the same thing that you'll be in , in a little while. The liquid is oxygenated so you can breathe it. Now hurry up!" "Yet another cop-out?" Misato said sarcastically, rolling her eyes to add effect. "Get used to it." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7:32.37pm June 11, 2000 T-MINUS 3:1:4:28.23 "... And another thing! Why all this fucking secrecy, huh?!" Misato had been pestering Yui for the past three minutes since they left the tank of... um... Tang. Needless to say, Yui was beginning to hate the child she was dragging along by the arm. "And leggo my arm! I can walk! I said, 'Leggo'!" Yui wearily obliged the young girl. "And where are we going? What the fuck is up with all these ridiculously thick doors in this place? I'm getting sick of them! Why the hell is it so dark in here? Why did you stop? What's going on here?! Why is the door closing? Why won't you just..." Misato stopped and suddenly began doing her best impression of a deer caught in headlights. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! *PANT* *PANT*," Misato had to catch her breath after such a vocal demonstration of her surprise, "What the _FUCK_ is that?!" yelled Misato, gesturing wildly at the large, olive colored, grotesque head in front of her. "That," Yui said with smirk, even though her ears were still ringing from the scream Misato had released, "is a Lillin. It's why you were brought here. It's why that... _girl_... was in the liquid you saw earlier. It's the reason most of this underground base was built." "What does that have to do with me?" queried Misato, in a very small voice. "You," Yui began, enjoying this very much, even though she knew she shouldn't, "are going to pilot that." END PART I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Random Reader #1: "Aren't you forgetting something?" Uhhh... I don't think so. RR #1: "You know, your end omake where you randomly off members of the cast." Ooohhh! I didn't do that with my last two fics though. RR #2: "That's because they were spamfics. They were nothing but stand-alone omakes!" Damn, I hate it when others are right, unless they agree with me. RR #1: "Hey you've gotten positive feed back from the few that read your other work and bothered to reply. All four of them." Hey that's right! I've gotta appease my fanbase! Chibi-Katarn: "Those fools! If everyone had replied, the ones that are disgusted might have changed your thoughts on the matter!" MWEHEHEHEHEHEH! Chibi-K: "Hey! normally you laugh, 'MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!', why the change?" I dunno, just felt like a "MWEHEHEHEHEH!" moment I guess. Hey, where'd you come from anyway? Chibi-K: "Oh! I'm... um... I'm your repressed childhood! Yeah, that's it!" No you're not. I don't suppress my inner child. Why do you think I wrote, "Preach Gendo, PREACH!", huh? Besides, Toastmasters stopped me from saying, "Um". Chibi-K: "Oh, yeah. I forgot. While we're at this, what gave you the impulse to continue Al-I-Bus', "A New World For Shinji & Asuka" series?" Oh, that? That was his doing. Little-Jonny: "Damn right!" Chibi-K: "Why is he in a confession booth?" You'd have to hear the joke. Chibi-K: "HEY! He just walked out with a wad of cash!" Heh, he sold the garage. Chibi-K: "..." Hey! You know I don't abide! Chibi-K: "Sorry, I didn't mean to ..., is there any way I can make it up to you?" Yes. Do the "Omake Dance (patent pending)" to take us into the omake. Chibi-K: "What's it going to be about this time?" Little-J: "Showers! I want a shower scene!" Chibi-K: "How do you get rid of him?" I find thinking of someone stomping on a bunch of cute little kitten's heads and then tossing them in a sack, beating them with a steel bat, weighting them and tossing them in a lake works best. Chibi-K: "Hey! It worked! " Now do the "Omake Dance". This has drug on far too long. Chibi-K: "What are you going to do for this omake?" Actually... we're done. Chibi-K: "That's it?" I guess. Chibi-K: "I want more." Fine. The Author reaches off stage and pulls Gendo back. Roast him. Chibi-K: KAMAIYA-MINI!!! Gendo's carcass goes flying off stage to the cheers of the readers. Chibi-K: Ahhh! That hit the spot. Now what? Author's notes. Chibi-K: Eww! Sanity! I hate that! Nothing I do is sane. Chibi-K: Oh... right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Author's Notes: Wow... that took a ridiculous amount of time to write... I've come to think of this as "Monkey #1". "Monkey #2" is my other fic, "A New World for Shinji & Asuka 7". Since it takes such a long time to kick one of these suckers out, I'm going to focus mainly on one. Guess which one? I don't know! That's right! I have no clue! That's because the readers decide! Whichever fic gets the most replies will get the focus! Of course, I've got other fic ideas, so if neither fic gets at least two replies, I'm going to start on another series I have in planning. I will still write the rest of the others, just not until I have three parts of the new series done, and they're going to be at least thirty pages long, each. Chibi-K: Wow, that's strange. What? Chibi-K: Look at when you started this thing. Just over a week after my birthday. So? Chibi-K: When did you finish it? Just after... my... brother's birthday. Chibi-K: Who wrote this? I did, of course. Chibi-K: And who's going to be the first one to die? Random Techie #3. Chibi-K: No... I mean with a name! Oh! That would be... my brother's avatar... Chibi-K: Spooky, no? No. Chibi-K: When are you going to post it? Just... under a week after my brother's birthday... Chibi-K: Put the numbers together; 4, 8, 6. And? Chibi-K: Add them together. Eighteen, and? Chibi-K: How many Angels are there in Evangelion? Wow... that is spooky. Chibi-K: Now pair them off, and what numbers do you get? Let's see, 10, 12, 14. Chibi-K: Progressing even numbers. 10 is the number of sides to an Eva's AT Field. 12 is the number of Lillith's wings. 14 is the age of the pilots. Wow... excuse me while I go bathe in holy water. Too spooky for my blood! Chibi-K: (Does the "Hamster Dance" to end the fic, accidentally sets the stage on fire)