From: "Eshin" Well, this is the first part of the Guyver-NGE saga I'm working on. To those who know Guyver, I'm working on the translations (from ), up to the 14th book, although some things have been changed along the way to combine the worlds better. In any case, I'll try to put bits and pieces that show you how the world looks like, and how it came to be that way, in small pieces before and after the main story. While the frontal part will always contain just one story, the number of addendums at the end will vary from episode to episode. Along the way, I will also try to introduce the character known as the Observer. His or her identity will be revealed by the end of the story, yet I'll try to leave tips for you to follow, along the way. At this point I can, however, already say that it's neither Kaji nor Misato. Oh,and one more thing -unless they have a date or characteristic event added, the sub-stories take place in some unidentified point of the storyline. Well, at any rate, I hope you like this fic. If you have any comments, constructive criticism, etc. please send them to: Eshin or I'll be grateful for any suggestions. And if you like the story, than do look out for the next episodes ^_-. Desclimer: All the rights to the characters, items, scenes and any other ideas taken from such titles as NGE, The Guyver or X/1999 belong to their respective owners. Not to me. No way. Once again-not. They aren't used for profit here. Don't sue me. And don't send any Sues on me ^_^' Note: '...' is for thoughts, /.../ is for background sounds in vocal data records. 13 February 2015 CONNECT Accessing MAGI ENTER DATABASE Opening BALTHASAR link. Entering system Welcome to NERV NET. OPEN DATABASE Personal data files. Enter login & password. M.AGITO. **************** Accepted. Clarence Bahamuth. OPEN DATA FILE ON AYANAMI REI Personal data file, Ayanami Rei. Data Class: Odin Name: Ayanami Rei. Parents: NA. Origin: III NERV Artificial Evolution Lab Design: Yamamura. Origin: Created by combining the leftover Guyver-infested DNA of Ikari Yui, pure Guyver DNA and the DNA from samples derived from Adam. Abilities: Possesses several of the Guyver's special abilities without the need for actually calling for the unit. Unable to use the Megasmasher, sonic attack or the energy beam and the gravity control ability is severely reduced. However, increased strength, regeneration and endurance are still present, although at only 25x standard human, instead of the 100x of a traditional Guyver host. Also, the subject is able to use armblades, just as a normal Guyver. The only weakness seems to be the control medallion. It is worthy noticing that the subject should still be able to be infested by the armour and use it, attaining the 250x standard human scores in physical traits. Created as the first pilot for the Unit Eva, subject Ayanami is the only Children able to use the unit without the Guyver armour, though it must be noted, that the synchronisation rates fall about 15 points down in such a case. Description:The present Ayanami Rei is a... reformation of the original Rei, which was killed by Akagi Naoko, computer specialist of Gehirn. Though Ayanami regenerated, a she suffered from severe psychological shock, which caused a temporary shutdown of the memory and stopped her from feeling any emotions for a long time. Although her memory has been restored, she still suffers from a severe personality disorder, seemingly unable to feel any emotions. This probably can be changed, however it would require a lot of work and the subject's co-operation. Currently, the subject is staying under the custody of Fukamachi Sho, NERV Sub-Commander and ex-host to Guyver Unit 01, Creator's version. Bahamuth class information following... Enter Bahamuth database Y/N? N. DELETE FILE AYANAMI-REI-II.DTB Delete Y/N ? YES. File Deletion Commencing. Complete. SHOW FILE LIST BALTH:/DATA/PERSONAL/AYANAMI/ empty. LOG OFF Logging off complete *************** We tried to take power then, almost twenty years ago. We failed. These young people, inconceivable as it may seem, have been able to crush the power of an organisation lasting for over four hundred years! Only a few of us survived, then, nearly powerless, for Arkenfel had fallen as well. Yet we tried again, through our little puppet, Gehirn. We tried to awaken a creature of the Creators, a creature possibly more powerful than Arkenfel himself... We have failed. Thus the Second Impact begun. In the insuring chaos much of humanity has been destroyed. Many more of us have fallen as well... But we have not been defeated... Not yet... We fight for dominance, even as the Creators send against us their new children... It appears they've finally understood what monster's they've unleashed by creating humanity... By allowing the Guyver's to come to existence... That is not important, however. We fight, and we shall win! We were Chronos... We are SEELE... We will be victorious! We will fulfil the Legacy of our Creators!! We shall become new Gods!!! Psychopathic Delusions put on Paper presents An NGE/Guyver elsewords fusion by Eshin Neon Genesis Evangelion: Legacy of the Creators 15 June 2015 12.00 The ocean, near the coastal area of Tokyo-2 A strange shape swam just under the surface of the water, swam through the ruins of old Tokyo... Swam towards the new Tokyo-3... Towards the Geofront... At the place of the thing's destination, a powerful computer detected that shape, detected the power it radiated and alerted it's users. Within 10 minutes, all the military forces in the nearby area were ready to fight the threat. But just 1 minute after the alarm, a report landed on the desk of a tall, dark haired man. That man smiled, the light reflecting from his glasses giving his face an eerie look. The two people standing by his side smiled as well. "It starts once again!" The man in glasses declared. 13.35 Outside Tokyo-2 Central Train Station "A special state of emergency has been declared as of 12.30 for all the citizens of the Kanto and Chuba regions surrounding the Tokai district. Please head for your designated shelters." A teenage boy stood by the entrence to the train station and waited. He was wearing a black shirt and pants of the same colour. A small silver pin, in the shape of a thunderbolt adorned his collar. His name was Ikari Shinji. And he was getting quite impatient. 'Uncle Agito did say that there might be a slight delay, but this! Than again... I'm not exactly sure I want to face father...' He thought. 'And now this alert! It's been on for the last hour, but nothing seems to be happening!' His thoughts were interrupted by the sight of a pretty young girl with blue hair, dressed in some strange white suit, standing at a distance, staring at him. As he took a step towards her, the whole area resounded with the sounds of nearby explosions. When he looked at where the girl stood just before, he saw noone. 'An illusion? Or a trick of the mind? Maybe that's why the streets were evacuated? Some kind of mind influencing weapons?' Another series of explosions that sounded in the distance brought him out of his musings. As he turned towards their source, he gasped in awe and fear. A gigantic creature, seemingly a combination of flesh and technology, was making it's way through the city, with several military helicopters attacking it from all sides. The creature seemed to ignore the war machines, occasionally stopping to smash one or two of the nearby units. 'What is that? A Zoanoid? But they're extinct! And even if... Uncle Agito said they were much smaller!" 13.40 Geofront command area. "The target's designated course is being calculated. It appears he's heading this way." The MAGI's synthetic voice sounded. "Putting visual data on screen now." "So... They make their move now. It's strange, one would expect a full scale assault..." One of the aides men muttered to the man in glasses. "They want to check the area first, Fukamachi. According to the data you've received from Mirabilis, their last encounter with us terrified them greatly. They must've believed we'd simply die, useless products of their bio-weapon experiments. If it wasn't for the Second Impact, they would've still believed it!" The man in glasses replied. "Yes, yes, Ikari. We've been over this a hundred times. So our creators and gods send their minions against us now?" The other aide, a brown-clad old man asked. "Yes." Ikari replied as the screen finally came online, showing a huge green-and-white beast with it's red powersource implanted clearly in the middle. "It's confirmed. Their Angels are here!" Episode 1 First Wave 13.45 Outside Tokyo-2 Central Train Station "Energy weapons?" Shinji muttered in disbelief as the giant destroyed three helicopters with a single lance of energy from it's arm. 'Used by such a creature? How can it be?' As he pondered, the creature seemed to rise from the ground, not exactly jumping but somehow evading gravity... 'Gravity control?' This thought was quickly interrupted by the creature landing nearby, crushing a fallen helicopter with the resulting explosion sending debris flowing everywhere. True to his training, Shinji dropped to his knees and rolled to the side, trying to avoid the deadly pieces of metal, even though he knew it would be impossible to evade all of them... Or rather it would, if not for the blue sports car that stopped just besides him, the car's armoured shell protecting the young Ikari from most of the damage... "Hi! I'm sorry, have you been waiting long?" A pretty woman, her hair an odd shade of purple, asked him. His reply was cut short by another hail of missiles. "Come on, get in! The army can't even hope to stop it, so why do they even try?" She muttered. "It? What is it?" He asked, dumbfounded, as he entered the car. "You'll learn soon. Now hold on!" She ordered as the car sprang into reverse, barely avoiding being crushed by a giant foot. 13.48 Geofront Command Area "The target is still operational. It's still heading towards the Geofront." The computer voice reported. "The Air Defence Force can't even dream of stopping it! They don't have the firepower!" One of the panicked personnel shouted to her microphone. "Destroy it! Use everything we have! Mobilise all squadrons and use the goddamn big guns!" One of the generals present barked. "Forget the budget! Our priority is destroying that thing!" Another added. On the screen, the Angel could be seen, with several missiles, both large and small, impacting on it's surface. The crew of one of the bombers obviously decided to take that budget remark to their hearts as they launched their plane's main weapon, a huge missile, almost as large as the Angel itself, at the monster. However, when the smoke cleared, the creature was still standing there, unscathed. "How, goddamnit? That was a direct hit!" The third general shouted, horrified. "Tanks have been destroyed! Missiles and artillery have no effect! We are running out of options!" The first one summarised, furious. "Damn it all to hell! We're using everything we've got, and it still has no effect!" "It's using an AT-Field, isn't it?" The old aide asked Ikari. "Yes, Fuyutsuki. Luckily, we have learned something from Arkenfel ourselves." Ikari answered, smiling slightly. "But these fools, on the other hand, have no chances of breaking through it..." Fukamachi remarked silently. All three nodded, slightly satisfied. One of the red phones rang. "Yes?" The first general replied. "I understand. We'll execute the plan at once." Fukamachi only shook his head in irritation. "It's useless. I'll go oversee the preparation of our forces." 13.59, 20 seconds to time zero, outskirts of Tokyo-3 "What?" The woman, one Misato Katsuragi, remarked, surprised. "They want to do it now? Get down!" She ordered as she grabbed the boy and pushed him into the seat. 14.01, 1 minute after time zero, Geofront Command Area "Yes! See the power of our N2 mine!" The third general shouted triumpanthly. "Sorry, but your so-called "secret weapon" won't be getting used, Ikari" The first one mocked. "Shock wave approaching" The computer voice informed. "Visual data will be available within 2 minutes." 14.02 Outskirts of Tokyo-3 "You alive?" Miasato asked, as she scrambled from her car. "Yes. They used an N2 mine against that monster?" Shinji remarked, surprised, as he pulled himself out of the wrecked car. 'Shhhsh! If it wasn't for the armour plating, we'd be done for!' "Angel." "Eh?" "It's called an Angel. Sent by our creator to destroy us for our disobedience, or so the commanders say. Bah! If you ask me, it's just to satisfy their egos- so that they can feel as new, rebel gods, fighting against the old creator!" 'She's a bit like Agito-sama.' Shinji noted, smiling. "Come on, let's get it moving... Push!" She smiled as the car returned to it's normal position. "Thanks." "Don't mention it... Miss Katsuragi Misato?" He added, a little uncertainly, as he tried to remember the picture sent to him. "Just Misato. I'm glad we've finally met, Ikari Shinji." 14.03 Geofront Command Area "Sensors restoring... We have an energy reading in the area!" One of the bridge crew reported. "Visual data restoring... On screen now!" Another remarked. "NO! IT CAN'T BE!!!" The third general shouted helplessly, as the nearly undamaged silhouette of the Third Angel appeared on the screen. "It was our last resort..." The first one muttered in resignation. "It's some kind of a demon! Even the Hyper Zoanoids I've fought twenty years ago couldn't survive such a thing!" The second added. 14.08 Geofront Auxiliary Supply Road "Yes, he's all right. His safety is our top priority, so can you send us an express car train?" Misato asked the person she was phoning. "All right, we'll be there. Don't worry! I've volunteered to pick him up, so I'll make sure he gets there! Ja*!" As she turned the phone off, however, her thoughts were on another matter altogether. 'Damn it! What kind of work is it? I go to pick up one kid and I have to get my car fixed, after it's been fixed last week? Damn it! And I still have some payments to go...' "Excuse me... Misato-sama? Misato-sama?" "Yes?" "Why did they use a weapon as powerful as an N2 mine on that creature?" "You'll learn when we get there. Hah, I thought for a moment that you'd ask about these accumulators..." "Umm? Why should I? With an organisation such as NERV, it's clear that our tasks have top priority." Misato sweatdroped. 'This kid is a bit to serious for his age...' She remarked mentally. "And don't call me Misato-sama!" "Excuse me!" He offered, apologetically. "I just figured you were a bit like uncle Agito... Misato-san" 'Than again, maybe she isn't...' 14.15 Geofront Command Area "As we expected, it's regeneration abilities are far over these of a standard Zoanoid." Fuyutsuki remarked. "As we expected. It would be unpractical any other way. These were meant as supreme bio weapons after all!" Replied Ikari. Their discussion was interrupted when the Angel fired an energy beam, effectively silencing their observation units. "And it can also learn from it's experiences... So they used a sentient life form to create these..." Fukamachi added. 14.17 Geofront Auxiliary Car Elevator Entrance 7B "The gates are now closing. Please stand back." The computer voice ordered. "So, this is NERV? Agito-sama told me some interesting things about it!" The black-clad boy remarked. "I hope it's nothing I'd have to kill him for." Misato replied, than continuing, trying to ignore the ironic grin which appeared on the young Ikari's face for but a second. "NERV is an organisation under the control of the United Nations." 'Or the Humanity Committee, to be more exact. Please, Misato- sam... Misato-san, spare me the official propaganda.' Shinji thought. "So, what does my father do at NERV?" 14.20 Geofront Command Area "By the decision of the United Nations, from time zero plus 10, the command of this operation is being entrusted to NERV branch one. Do not fail us." The second general declared. "Of course." Ikari replied. "Ikari... We must admit that our weapons are useless against such target. But do you have weapons capable of destroying these things? "That is the reason NERV was formed." "We'll pray that you're correct. Dismissed." With that, the generals sent their command post to go down, and prepared to board their private jet. Obviously, they were atheists... "The UN have had enough. Even though they've already had their lessons during the Chronos war, they still believe conventional weaponry is the best..." Fuyutsuki remarked. "Yes... Fortunately, what we have now is the development of what was actually used to defeat Chronos..." "You aren't going to..." The old man's eyes widened with surprise. "But we don't have a pilot! And even if the EVA could actually accept a pilot, we don't have the A-10 unit! Unless... You want to use Rei? Fukamachi will not allow it!" "His opinion is, at this point, irrelevant. But don't worry. Our spare is just arriving... And you forget that we still have one free unit left!" "No, you don't mean..." The old man whispered, terrified. 14.26 NERV Express Car Train "So, are we going to see father now?" Shinji asked. "Yes... Yes, I believe so." 'Father... Why call upon me now? After you've left me there... Uncle Agito... Why couldn't you come with me?" He unconsciously caressed the thunderbolt pin on his collar. "A gift for you? Nice" Misato remarked. "Is it form a girl?" "Its... a graduation gift of sorts. Only it's just one of two... The other I'd get after I graduate, but I don't have many chances for that." He explained, some fond memories returning to him, along with a wave of melancholy. "I see. Say, did you get an ID Card from your father?" He checked his backpack. "You mean this?" "Yes. Here, read this." She said, passing him a book entitled "Welcome to NERV". 'Great. 50% official propaganda, 20% secret propaganda, and some actual data... At least that was in the third branch version uncle Agito gave me to decode.' Shinji thought, as he accepted the book. "Am I going to work for him?" "The commander? I suppose so..." 'So he's one of the "megalomaniacs" she mentioned. I guess the command staff aren't too popular... But, than again, what could I expect? I doubt he sent for me because he was getting lonely...' A few moments later, his thoughts were interrupted for the n-th time that day, this time by the fascinating panorama that opened before him... The panorama of inner Geofront. "Wonderful! Just as Agito-sama said!" He whispered. 'This is where they had their base during the Chronos War!!! By that lake!!!' "Yep... Our little base, humanity's stronghold. The key to rebuilding the world!" Neon Genesis Evangelion: Legacy of the Creators. Episode one: First wave. 15.00 Geofront Corridor 27A RED "What on earth... Where is it?" Misato mumbled as she and Shinji crossed the never-ending corridors of the Geofront. "Where the hell is Ritsuko?" Shinji meanwhile scanned the surrounding halls. 'Not a bad place, but hellishly hard to defend... Agito-sama would have a fit if he saw this! Than again, maybe he did. For all I know, this might be the remains of the old factory he mentioned...' "I'm sorry, I'm just not used to this place yet..." Misato apologised. "Don't worry. The later we see my father the better!" "So, you don't get along with your father? Well, it's the same with me..." Ikari just looked at her, surprised. 15.10 Geofront Personnel Elevator 14 As the elevator reached the 30th level, the door opened, letting an irritated blond woman in. Misato merely sweatdroped while Shinji looked at the newcomer surprised. 'Who the hell wears a swimsuit inside a government military installation? Even if it's covered by a lab coat...' "Hey... Hello, Ritsuko..." Misato mumbled. "Why are you wasting my time, captain Katsuragi?" The blond asked. "Aren't you aware that were short on both time and manpower?" "Sorry..." Misato apologised. "So, is this the commander's son?" "Yes, according to the Marduk Institute, he's been designed as the Third Children." 'Third what? Marduk Institute? Agito-sama never mentioned anything about it..." The boy wandered. "Nice to meet you, Ikari Shinji." Ritsuko declared. "Likewise." He replied rather coldly after a moment. "He's a lot like the commander, isn't he?" Misato whispered to the blonde. 15.12 Geofront Command Area "Handle the things here! And get Fukamachi to the cage. I'll meet him there." Ikari ordered. 'Your first meeting after three years... I wonder if sending him to Zeus was such a good idea?' Kozo Fuyutsuki wondered. "Sub-Commander, the target has regained mobility." One of the bridge crew, a short haired man named Hyuuga Makoto reported. "Very well. Assume battle stations, level one." 15.14 Second Cage Elevator 3 "Battle stations. Level one. Prepare for ground unit interception." The MAGI's synthetic voice resounded through the Central Dogma. "So, how is Unit 01 doing?" Misato asked. "It has undergone defreezing, but we've been unable to test is properly. The Project is still under early preparation and the First has been unavailable since her accident." "But does it really work?" "We need a host to know that... And even so, the probability of activation is 0.000000001%. The O-9 system, as we call it." 'Host?' Ikari thought, surprised. "So it doesn't work?" "Don't insult me! It's "O" not "zero"." "A little late for us to find out it's a failure..." "We still have a few aces up our sleeves. But I fear standard armours might not stop the Angel..." The elevator reached the top and the group, led by Ritsuko, entered one of the motor-powered pontoons resting nearby. As they crossed a lake of the strange, orange-pink water, the conversation continued. "You want to send armours against that thing?" Misato asked, after a while. "Yes. Sub-Commander Fukamachi is briefing some of our men. And, if it comes to that, we can use some of the subjects of the Instinctual Control Program. Although I doubt Sho would like that very much." "Yeah... I don't know too much about the Program, _since you haven't been so kind to keep me informed of it_, but I've heard rumours that he's strongly against it." "Sorry, Misato. It's Odin clearance only." "Forget it. But do you think they have a chance? These guys in the armours?" "If they can break through the AT Field... But I doubt that. All right, we're here." Here was the end of the lake and a staircase leading to another hallway. When they entered, the door closed, leaving the group in total darkness. Then the lights were on, and Ikari Shinji found himself standing face to face with a huge purple machine, it's yellow eyes looking straight at him, as if expectantly. "It's... Is it some robot?" He managed to stutter. "Almost correct. It's actually a biological mechanism, derived from the Guyver armour an it's Guyver Gigantic addition... Developed into the first synthetic life form using the techniques found in the database of one of the leftover ships of the creators. As well as the database of the Ark, once created and kept by Chronos in the Dead Sea. That synthetic creature is surrounded by something rather similar to the Guyver Armour and thus is created the Unit Evangelion! Humanity's last line of defence against our creators. Battle-purpose Humanoid Supreme Bio War-Machine - Artificial Human/ Guyver Hybrid Evangelion." "Oh. Than I doubt it's in one of these..." He mumbled as he threw the instruction book away. "So... This is what my father has been working on, is it?" "Correct." Came the voice of Ikari Gendo, came from the observation point several meters above them. "Heh! So this is what you wanted of me? To pilot this... This thing?" Shinji asked bitterly. 'He's got to be crazy if he thinks I'll do it! After all these years, he only sees me as a pawn in his game. "Correct again. Commander Makashima of the Third Branch mentioned that he'd be observing how you'll manage." 'Agito? Agito-sama wants me to do it?' "Yes." Gendo replied, as if he heard his son's thoughts. "Yes, he says that he want's to know what you've learned in his group." 'Agito-sama? If you want me to... But... I... Agito-sama!' Shinji thought. "Using Agito again, eh?" A weary voice entered the discussion. A tall man, dressed in a black suit, the same aide who had earlier accompanied Gendo, entered from the side, with a pretty teenage girl with blue hair using him for support. The girl wore some kind of a white suit/armour, similar in a way to a Guyver armour. However, unlike a standard armour, her arms and her face weren't covered in it. One of her arms and a part of her face were however covered in bandages. Said face showed no emotions. "Ah, Fukamachi. And you've brought the First. Are the Land Dragons ready?" "They're ready for action. They'll cover the Eva as it deploys." He shot a hostile glance at Shinji. "So... You're Agito's student? It's only fitting for the Third Children to be guided by Unit III... Listen to me: do well, or Rei here will be forced to go instead of you! And she's in no condition to do such a thing! Do I make myself clear?" Shinji meanwhile could only stare at the girl. 'She's the one I've seen this morning! But she wore a little different suit... And she wasn't wounded... Did she get hurt during the battle?' "Shinji-kun? I know she's pretty, but it's not a time for that..." Misato whispered to him. "Huh? Yes... Yes, of course!" The young Ikari mumbled... "Very well..." Fukamachi Sho hardly seemed satisfied... "Prepare for the..." He was interrupted by his communicator beeping. "Damn it! It's here! I'm going to the Dragon's launch area! You, boy, hurry! The lives of these people are depending on you!" He turned to the girl accompanying him. "Rei, I'll send over somebody to help you get back! Don't strain yourself, your wounds haven't regenerated yet!" 'Regenerated?' Shinji asked himself, surprised. "Yes." Came the reply, while the girl's expression never changed. Nodding, he helped Rei to one of the side barriers and took off running himself. "Very well than. Dr. Akagi, take my son and get him connected to the unit!" Gendo ordered. "But, Commander, we don't possess any units at present..." She protested. "Artificial Development Laboratory 5. You have my permission." Upon hearing these words, she paled. "You can't mean... It's not possible to use it!" Her protests were interrupted by a nearby explosion. The whole structure shook. "Damn! It's found us!" The older Ikari swore, just as another explosion shook the whole Geofront, with a few buildings falling from the roof and onto the cave's floor. One of the buildings fell dangerously close to the Central Dogma. The resulting shock caused everyone on the walkway to stutter and fall, with Rei falling onto her bandaged arm, her normally expressionless face temporarily filled with pain. It also caused a few ceiling lamps to be ripped from their places and start falling towards the very people on the bridge. Both Shinji and captain Katsuragi noticed the lamps falling down and jumped, one to avoid them, the other to protect the first. But before the lamps could reach the walkway, a huge purple hand cut through the water and formed a protective roof above the young Ikari. At the same time, one of the beepers in Ritsuko's coat started to ring. "No!" She whispered, visibly pale. "It can't be... It's becoming active again!" "It's calling for him, isn't it?" Whispered Gendo, also visibly paler. "It's trying to awaken... Get him to the Development Lab, now!" Shinji meanwhile made his way to the fallen blue-haired girl, whose face was finally showing some emotion - pure agony. He knelt by her side and tried to help her move her weight from the damaged arm... He was partially successful, but during this action, some of the bandages fell off, revealing her damaged arm. 'I... I can't run away... Not now, damn it!' Shinji thought, fighting his revulsion as he saw the skin of the damaged arm, which was ash grey and inhumanly twisted, as if it's been bitten by some acidic fangs. 'But... What could cause such damage?' "Shinji!" Misato's voice sounded. "You have to go now! I'll stay here with Ayanami, you go with dr. Akagi! With Ritsuko!" She added in reply to his surprised gaze. He nodded and followed the scientist, relieved to get the image of Rei's deformed arm out of his mind. "What do I need to do in order to... To pilot that thing?" He asked after a while. She smiled. "You need a Guyver unit." He stopped dead in his tracks. "A... A Guyver? But they're... Agito-sama has one... Unit-02 was destroyed with Lisker... And Unit-01 was... damaged..." "Don't be silly. If we managed to create an EVA out of Guyver material, do you think we would be unable to create the units themselves? It's not easy, of course. But, even so, all our artificial units have been used to form the present division of the Land Dragons." "Than... How can I get a Guyver unit?" He asked, than his eyes widened in rationalisation. "No! You can't mean..." "Guyver unit 01, the same one Sho Fukamachi found over twenty years ago." "No! I won't!!! I won't put that thing on! How many hosts has it killed already?!" "Depends on how you count. Anyway, you can still decide. You can refuse, than we send the _wounded_ Rei to do battle and send _you_ back to Makashima. I wonder how _he_ will react to your cowardience?" She mussed innocently. His fist impacted with the nearby wall. "Damn you! I'll be your host, and your pilot!" He shouted furiously. "Don't you dare bring Agito- sama into this!!! Don't you dare make him think anything bad about me!" "Good. Now let's waste no more time." 15.40 Central Dogma, Outside Artificial Development Laboratory 5. LOGIN: R.AKAGI PASSWORD: ************** Login accepted under clearance from Commander Ikari. Door opening "Welcome, Ikari Shinji! Welcome to the Artificial Development Laboratory, Guyver Research Area." Ritsuko declared. "Go on in... It should be waiting for you. I suppose Makashima explained to you what you should do..." He nodded grimly, than entered, the armoured door shutting before him. For a few moments, all he could see was coolant vapours coming from the nearby ventilation shafts. He took a few hesitant steps forward, and than he saw it. The control medallion was hanging in the air, with pieces of some metallic substance located all around it. The strange grey ooze from which the parasite was formed was hanging all around it, like huge tendrils, spread between the laboratory's walls, going around the various computers and testing equipment, slipping through the ribs and bones of the bodies lying on the floor in several places. The whole thing was pulsating, as if it had a beating heart... He was almost ready to believe it recognised him and beckoned him closer... "So... It's you! Mother... You've already taken my mother away from me! So now you want me as well?" He shook his head angrily. "Very well..." He took a step forward, his arms spread wide. "I'M HERE!" Another step. "TAKE ME!!!!" As if on command, the pulsating mass lunched itself a him, the grey tendrils surrounding his body, melting against it, than through it. He trashed around the lab, smashing the equipment all around him as every pore in his body was being defiled by the substance. He fell to his knees as he felt it reach his neural systems... His hand rose once again, throwing a computer monitor from one of the desks, and than fell to the ground... Several silent minutes passed. Finally, a pale blue shape stirred on the floor. It slowly rose, it's red crystalline eyes shining menacingly. The unit slowly walked towards the door, it's sensors detecting a potential enemy... no... a potential target... on the other side. A hissing sound was heard as the armblades sprung from their places... Akagi Ritsuko had almost given up hope after all the waiting. 'It appears we were wrong... Just another victim to the parasite.' Her thoughts were suddenly disturbed by the sound of reinforced steel being cut like paper, a sound one would certainly find fascinating as long as one wasn't the person protected by said reinforced steel. What remained of the door was ripped apart as a large, blue shape stepped out of the lab, it's armblades shining in the dim light the corridor lamps provided. 'No! It's a berserker!!! We've only summoned forth our own deaths...' Ritsuko thought, as she took a few steps back, horrified. The armour, however, stopped. "Dr. Akagi... What now?" Shinji Ikari asked, now fully in control of the unit. End of part one Addendum #1 The Observer turned the terminal on. CONNECT Accessing MAGI ENTER SECURITY DATABASE Opening CASPAR link Entering system Welcome to NERV NET. OPEN SECURITY DATABASE Security database open. Enter login & password. THE LAST ONE LIVING ******************* Accepted. Special Clarence HYADES. Welcome Dr. Naoko. OPEN VOCAL SECURITY RECORDING, MAIN OFFICE, COMMANDER'S ROOM, DATE 02-01-2005, 14.50-15.35 /Noise/ /Noise/ /Door opening/ Voice One: So, are you certain of this? Voice Two: Yes. I believe it is the only choice. Since her death, I can't get through him. I'm not even sure I desire to... /Noise/ Too many things have lost their meaning since than... Voice One: Very well. I'll take him and prepare him... The North America Base should be ready soon, and, until than, I'll keep him with my private unit at our old US base. Voice Two: So, you're still keeping the Thunderbolt active, eh "Zeus"? Voice One: Yes /Noise/ It's proven rather useful. I'll pick him up tomorrow, than. "Damn!" The Observer sweared. "This is all useless!" Voice Two: ...... know how to take care of him? Voice One: Yes. After all, I was raised by an adoptive father as well. Genzo himself raised me to be brilliant, to be strong... and not to care. It turned out to be his undoing. I shall not make the same mistake. Voice Two: Very well. But we must be weary of the old men! They're growing more and more paranoid since Adam's awa errorerrorerrorerrorerrorerrorerrorerrorerrorerrorerrorerrorerrorerror Connection Terminated. Security in search of intruder. "Shit! It looks like this backdoor is useless! Damn you, Ritsuko, this is getting more and more difficult!" The Observer muttered and took off running. Dictionary *Ja- "Bye","See ya!", etc.