"Antookis" Anthony Hartley [Antookis@worldnet.att.net] Version 1.1 [Quick note: Sorry for the bad formatting, please send all problems to the address above, thank you.] I have an odd way of looking at things. I picture movies, shows, plays etc. with another cast member or entire cast. I see how they could be better and weaker in many aspects. The product? FGH, a "spin-off" of Neon Genesis Evangelion created by the amazing director Hideaki Anno. This is how it works. Rather than adding a new character or two, or replacing a character I just changed the entire story, cast, settings and timeline. HEY GET BACK HERE!! I SAW YOU LEAVING!! Alright, thats better. So what and how does this have to do with Evangelion you say? Think of this as a mirror image of NGE. Don't count the original cast out just yet, they may just decide to show up sometime. The plot remains somewhat the same (since it is so cool). If you don't know the plot to NGE I would suggest checking it out on the net first or better yet, watching the actual show and movies. Anyways, The story is delivered in a nice episode package, don't expect your Gainax made Eva. This has more action, more glory, more comedy....Well, maybe a little more comedy;) Remember understanding a little bit about Eva can go along way with reading this fic. Welcome To Another World Welcome To Another Time Welcome...To Your Future -Anth WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING This story has been rated [WOT] Waste Of Time. It may contain Graphic Violence, Adult Humor, Adult Language and could be damaging to readers under the age of 79. Keep hands inside the fic at all times. WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sentinel Entertainment in association with Ooze Productions presents FALLEN GENESIS HUNTERS 0:1 Standard Disclaimer: Influenced by SHINSEIKI [NEON] GENESIS EVANGELION All characters are owned by (C) GAINAX/ Project Eva - TV Tokyo * NAS This work was not created for profit of any form. An infringement of copyright is not intended. This work was made out of pure respect of the series and other common related works of Gainax. =======================Staff========================== ----------------Writer/Director Anthony Hartley------------------- --Content/Grammar Editor Helen Kurt-------------------------- ---------------Revision Editor Calvin Giles------------------------ --------Cast/Plot Consultant Dennis Clay----------------------- ---------------Head Designer Jessica Karter--------------------- -------------------Researcher Ryan Dale--------------------------- ---------------Special Thanks Natalie Grant----------------------- -------Extra Special Thanks Evangelion Mailing List-------- Anime FanFiction Mailing List And anyone who reads this piece of *#^% ================================================================= gen e sis ( jen'e-sis), n. [pl. -ses (-sez')], [ L. > \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ICQ 5838229 ///////////////////////// ------------------------Trust Me, Evil Knows Evil------------------------ "Doesn't that just beat all?" - Rei Da MAN [BoF3]